markus / AppCast / NetSparkle.xml @ 77aed3c3
이력 | 보기 | 이력해설 | 다운로드 (137 KB)
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
2 |
3 |
4 |
<name>NetSparkle</name> |
5 |
6 |
7 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast"> |
8 |
9 |
An XML-based appcast document downloader and handler |
10 |
11 |
12 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.SparkleNamespace"> |
13 |
14 |
Sparkle XML namespace |
15 |
16 |
17 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.Title"> |
18 |
19 |
AppCast Title |
20 |
21 |
22 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.Language"> |
23 |
24 |
AppCast Language |
25 |
26 |
27 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.Items"> |
28 |
29 |
AppCastItems from the appcast |
30 |
31 |
32 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.#ctor"> |
33 |
34 |
Constructor |
35 |
36 |
37 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.SetupAppCastHandler(NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastDataDownloader,System.String,NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ILogger)"> |
38 |
39 |
Setup the app cast handler info for downloading and parsing app cast information |
40 |
41 |
<param name="dataDownloader">downloader that will manage the app cast download |
42 |
(provided by <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> via the |
43 |
<see cref="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.AppCastDataDownloader"/> property.</param> |
44 |
<param name="castUrl">full URL to the app cast file</param> |
45 |
<param name="config">configuration for handling update intervals/checks |
46 |
(user skipped versions, etc.)</param>
47 |
<param name="signatureVerifier">Object to check signatures of app cast information</param> |
48 |
<param name="logWriter">object that you can utilize to do any necessary logging</param> |
49 |
50 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.DownloadAndParse"> |
51 |
52 |
Download castUrl resource and parse it |
53 |
54 |
55 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.ParseAppCast(System.String)"> |
56 |
57 |
Parse the app cast XML string into a list of <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> objects. |
58 |
When complete, the Items list should contain the parsed information |
59 |
as <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> objects. |
60 |
61 |
<param name="appcast">the non-null string XML app cast</param> |
62 |
63 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.GetAvailableUpdates"> |
64 |
65 |
Returns sorted list of updates between current and latest. Installed is not included. |
66 |
67 |
68 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.GenerateAppCastXml(System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem},System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)"> |
69 |
70 |
Create AppCast XML |
71 |
72 |
<param name="items">The AppCastItems to include in the AppCast</param> |
73 |
<param name="title">AppCast application title</param> |
74 |
<param name="link">AppCast link</param> |
75 |
<param name="description">AppCast description</param> |
76 |
<param name="language">AppCast language</param> |
77 |
<returns>AppCast xml document</returns> |
78 |
79 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"> |
80 |
81 |
Item from a Sparkle AppCast file |
82 |
83 |
84 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.AppName"> |
85 |
86 |
The application name |
87 |
88 |
89 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.AppVersionInstalled"> |
90 |
91 |
The installed version |
92 |
93 |
94 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.Title"> |
95 |
96 |
The item title |
97 |
98 |
99 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.Version"> |
100 |
101 |
The available version |
102 |
103 |
104 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.ShortVersion"> |
105 |
106 |
Shortened version |
107 |
108 |
109 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.ReleaseNotesLink"> |
110 |
111 |
The release notes link |
112 |
113 |
114 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.ReleaseNotesSignature"> |
115 |
116 |
The signature of the Release Notes file |
117 |
118 |
119 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.Description"> |
120 |
121 |
The embedded description |
122 |
123 |
124 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.DownloadLink"> |
125 |
126 |
The download link |
127 |
128 |
129 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.DownloadSignature"> |
130 |
131 |
The signature of the download file |
132 |
133 |
134 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.PublicationDate"> |
135 |
136 |
Date item was published |
137 |
138 |
139 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.IsCriticalUpdate"> |
140 |
141 |
Whether the update was marked critical or not via sparkle:critical |
142 |
143 |
144 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.UpdateSize"> |
145 |
146 |
Length of update set via sparkle:length |
147 |
148 |
149 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.OperatingSystemString"> |
150 |
151 |
Operating system that this update applies to |
152 |
153 |
154 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.IsWindowsUpdate"> |
155 |
156 |
True if this update is a windows update; false otherwise. |
157 |
Acceptable OS strings are: "win" or "windows" (this is |
158 |
checked with a case-insensitive check). If not specified, |
159 |
assumed to be a Windows update. |
160 |
161 |
162 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.IsMacOSUpdate"> |
163 |
164 |
True if this update is a macOS update; false otherwise. |
165 |
Acceptable OS strings are: "mac", "osx", or "macos" (this is |
166 |
checked with a case-insensitive check). If not specified, |
167 |
assumed to be a Windows update. |
168 |
169 |
170 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.IsLinuxUpdate"> |
171 |
172 |
True if this update is a macOS update; false otherwise. |
173 |
Acceptable OS strings are: "linux" (this is |
174 |
checked with a case-insensitive check). If not specified, |
175 |
assumed to be a Linux update. |
176 |
177 |
178 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.MIMEType"> |
179 |
180 |
MIME type for file as specified in the closure tag. Defaults to "application/octet-stream". |
181 |
182 |
183 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.Parse(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Xml.Linq.XElement,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ILogger)"> |
184 |
185 |
Parse item Xml Node to AppCastItem |
186 |
187 |
<param name="installedVersion">Currently installed version</param> |
188 |
<param name="applicationName">Application name</param> |
189 |
<param name="castUrl">The url of the appcast</param> |
190 |
<param name="item">The item XML node</param> |
191 |
<param name="logWriter">logwriter instance</param> |
192 |
<returns>AppCastItem from Xml Node</returns> |
193 |
194 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.GetXElement"> |
195 |
196 |
Create Xml node from this instance of AppCastItem |
197 |
198 |
<returns>An XML node</returns> |
199 |
200 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.CompareTo(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)"> |
201 |
202 |
Compares this instance to another |
203 |
204 |
<param name="other">the other instance</param> |
205 |
<returns>-1, 0, 1 if this instance is less than, equal to, or greater than the <paramref name="other"/></returns> |
206 |
207 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.Equals(System.Object)"> |
208 |
209 |
Equality check to another instance |
210 |
211 |
<param name="obj">the instance to compare to</param> |
212 |
<returns></returns> |
213 |
214 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.GetHashCode"> |
215 |
216 |
Derive hashcode from immutable variables |
217 |
218 |
<returns></returns> |
219 |
220 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.op_Equality(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)"> |
221 |
222 |
Check equality of two AppCastItem instances |
223 |
224 |
<param name="left">AppCastItem to compare</param> |
225 |
<param name="right">AppCastItem to compare</param> |
226 |
<returns>True if items are the same</returns> |
227 |
228 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.op_Inequality(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)"> |
229 |
230 |
Check if two AppCastItem instances are different |
231 |
232 |
<param name="left">AppCastItem to compare</param> |
233 |
<param name="right">AppCastItem to compare</param> |
234 |
<returns>True if items are different</returns> |
235 |
236 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.op_LessThan(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)"> |
237 |
238 |
Less than comparison of version between two AppCastItem instances |
239 |
240 |
<param name="left">AppCastItem to compare</param> |
241 |
<param name="right">AppCastItem to compare</param> |
242 |
<returns>True if left version is less than right version</returns> |
243 |
244 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.op_LessThanOrEqual(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)"> |
245 |
246 |
Less than or equal to comparison of version between two AppCastItem instances |
247 |
248 |
<param name="left">AppCastItem to compare</param> |
249 |
<param name="right">AppCastItem to compare</param> |
250 |
<returns>True if left version is less than or equal to right version</returns> |
251 |
252 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.op_GreaterThan(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)"> |
253 |
254 |
Greater than comparison of version between two AppCastItem instances |
255 |
256 |
<param name="left">AppCastItem to compare</param> |
257 |
<param name="right">AppCastItem to compare</param> |
258 |
<returns>True if left version is greater than right version</returns> |
259 |
260 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.op_GreaterThanOrEqual(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)"> |
261 |
262 |
Greater than or equal to comparison of version between two AppCastItem instances |
263 |
264 |
<param name="left">AppCastItem to compare</param> |
265 |
<param name="right">AppCastItem to compare</param> |
266 |
<returns>True if left version is greater than or equal to right version</returns> |
267 |
268 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyDiagnosticsAccessor"> |
269 |
270 |
A diagnostic accessor |
271 |
272 |
273 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyDiagnosticsAccessor.#ctor(System.String)"> |
274 |
275 |
Constructor |
276 |
277 |
<param name="assemblyName">the assembly name</param> |
278 |
279 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyDiagnosticsAccessor.AssemblyTitle"> |
280 |
281 |
Gets the Title |
282 |
283 |
284 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyDiagnosticsAccessor.AssemblyVersion"> |
285 |
286 |
Gets the version |
287 |
288 |
289 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyDiagnosticsAccessor.AssemblyDescription"> |
290 |
291 |
Gets the description |
292 |
293 |
294 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyDiagnosticsAccessor.AssemblyProduct"> |
295 |
296 |
gets the product |
297 |
298 |
299 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyDiagnosticsAccessor.AssemblyCopyright"> |
300 |
301 |
Gets the copyright |
302 |
303 |
304 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyDiagnosticsAccessor.AssemblyCompany"> |
305 |
306 |
Gets the company |
307 |
308 |
309 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor"> |
310 |
311 |
Assembly reflection accessor |
312 |
313 |
314 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor.#ctor(System.String)"> |
315 |
316 |
Constructor |
317 |
318 |
<param name="assemblyName">the assembly name</param> |
319 |
320 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor.CreateAttribute(System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData)"> |
321 |
322 |
This methods creates an attribute instance from the attribute data |
323 |
information |
324 |
325 |
326 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor.AssemblyTitle"> |
327 |
328 |
Gets the assembly title |
329 |
330 |
331 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor.AssemblyVersion"> |
332 |
333 |
Gets the version |
334 |
335 |
336 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor.AssemblyDescription"> |
337 |
338 |
Gets the description |
339 |
340 |
341 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor.AssemblyProduct"> |
342 |
343 |
Gets the product |
344 |
345 |
346 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor.AssemblyCopyright"> |
347 |
348 |
Gets the copyright |
349 |
350 |
351 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor.AssemblyCompany"> |
352 |
353 |
Gets the company |
354 |
355 |
356 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration"> |
357 |
358 |
Abstract class to handle |
359 |
update intervals. |
360 |
361 |
CheckForUpdate - Boolean - Whether NetSparkle should check for updates |
362 |
LastCheckTime - time_t - Time of last check |
363 |
SkipThisVersion - String - If the user skipped an update, then the version to ignore is stored here (e.g. "1.4.3") |
364 |
DidRunOnce - Boolean - Check only one time when the app launched |
365 |
366 |
367 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.ApplicationName"> |
368 |
369 |
The application name |
370 |
371 |
372 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.PreviousVersionOfSoftwareRan"> |
373 |
374 |
The previous version of the software that the user ran |
375 |
376 |
377 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.InstalledVersion"> |
378 |
379 |
The currently-installed version |
380 |
381 |
382 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.CheckForUpdate"> |
383 |
384 |
Flag to indicate if we should check for updates |
385 |
386 |
387 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.IsFirstRun"> |
388 |
389 |
True if this is the first time the application has been run based on save config data; false otherwise |
390 |
391 |
392 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.LastCheckTime"> |
393 |
394 |
Last check time |
395 |
396 |
397 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.LastVersionSkipped"> |
398 |
399 |
The last-skipped version number |
400 |
401 |
402 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.DidRunOnce"> |
403 |
404 |
Whether or not the application has run at least one time |
405 |
406 |
407 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.LastConfigUpdate"> |
408 |
409 |
Last profile update |
410 |
411 |
412 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.AssemblyAccessor"> |
413 |
414 |
Object that accesses version, title, etc. info for the currently running application |
415 |
(or some other application) |
416 |
417 |
418 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor)"> |
419 |
420 |
Constructor for Configuration -- should load values by the end of the constructor! |
421 |
422 |
<param name="assemblyAccessor">Object that accesses version, title, etc. info for the application |
423 |
you would like to check for updates for</param>
424 |
425 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.TouchProfileTime"> |
426 |
427 |
Touches to profile time |
428 |
429 |
430 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.TouchCheckTime"> |
431 |
432 |
Touches the check time to now, should be used after a check directly |
433 |
434 |
435 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.SetVersionToSkip(System.String)"> |
436 |
437 |
This method allows to skip a specific version |
438 |
439 |
<param name="version">the version to skeip</param> |
440 |
441 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.Reload"> |
442 |
443 |
Reloads the configuration object |
444 |
445 |
446 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.InitWithDefaultValues"> |
447 |
448 |
This method sets default values for the config |
449 |
450 |
451 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor)"> |
452 |
453 |
Constructor for a configuration that saves and loads its configuration data to and |
454 |
from a JSON file that resides on disk. This Configuration can be used on any |
455 |
operating system. |
456 |
457 |
<param name="assemblyAccessor">Object that accesses version, title, etc. info for the application |
458 |
you would like to check for updates for</param>
459 |
460 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor,System.String)"> |
461 |
462 |
Constructor for a configuration that saves and loads its configuration data to and |
463 |
from a JSON file that resides on disk. This Configuration can be used on any |
464 |
operating system. |
465 |
466 |
<param name="assemblyAccessor">Object that accesses version, title, etc. info for the application |
467 |
you would like to check for updates for</param>
468 |
<param name="savePath">location to save the JSON configuration data to; can be null or empty string. |
469 |
If not null or empty string, must represent a valid path on disk (directories must already be created). |
470 |
This class will take care of creating/overwriting the file at that path if necessary.</param>
471 |
472 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.TouchProfileTime"> |
473 |
474 |
Touches to profile time |
475 |
476 |
477 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.TouchCheckTime"> |
478 |
479 |
Touches the check time to now, should be used after a check directly |
480 |
481 |
482 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.SetVersionToSkip(System.String)"> |
483 |
484 |
This method allows to skip a specific version |
485 |
486 |
<param name="version">the version to skeip</param> |
487 |
488 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.Reload"> |
489 |
490 |
Reloads the configuration object |
491 |
492 |
493 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.GetSavePath"> |
494 |
495 |
This function build a valid registry path in dependecy to the |
496 |
assembly information |
497 |
498 |
499 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.LoadValuesFromPath(System.String)"> |
500 |
501 |
This method loads the values from registry |
502 |
503 |
<param name="saveLocation">the saved file location</param> |
504 |
<returns><c>true</c> if the items were loaded</returns> |
505 |
506 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.SaveValuesToPath(System.String)"> |
507 |
508 |
This method stores the information to disk as json |
509 |
510 |
<param name="savePath">the save path to the json file</param> |
511 |
<returns><c>true</c> if the values were saved to disk</returns> |
512 |
513 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration"> |
514 |
515 |
This class handles all registry values which are used from sparkle to handle |
516 |
update intervalls. All values are stored in HKCU\Software\Vendor\AppName which |
517 |
will be read ot from the assembly information. All values are of the REG_SZ |
518 |
type, no matter what their "logical" type is. The following options are |
519 |
available: |
520 |
521 |
CheckForUpdate - Boolean - Whether NetSparkle should check for updates |
522 |
LastCheckTime - time_t - Time of last check |
523 |
SkipThisVersion - String - If the user skipped an update, then the version to ignore is stored here (e.g. "1.4.3") |
524 |
DidRunOnce - Boolean - Check only one time when the app launched |
525 |
526 |
527 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor)"> |
528 |
529 |
Constructor for a configuration that saves and loads information from the Windows registry. |
530 |
This should only be used on Windows! |
531 |
532 |
<param name="assemblyAccessor">Object that accesses version, title, etc. info for the application |
533 |
you would like to check for updates for</param>
534 |
535 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor,System.String)"> |
536 |
537 |
Constructor for a configuration that saves and loads information from the Windows registry. |
538 |
This should only be used on Windows! |
539 |
540 |
<param name="assemblyAccessor">Object that accesses version, title, etc. info for the application |
541 |
you would like to check for updates for</param>
542 |
<param name="registryPath">Location in the registry where configuration data should be stored and |
543 |
loaded from</param>
544 |
545 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.TouchProfileTime"> |
546 |
547 |
Touches to profile time |
548 |
549 |
550 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.TouchCheckTime"> |
551 |
552 |
Touches the check time to now, should be used after a check directly |
553 |
554 |
555 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.SetVersionToSkip(System.String)"> |
556 |
557 |
This method allows to skip a specific version |
558 |
559 |
<param name="version">the version to skeip</param> |
560 |
561 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.Reload"> |
562 |
563 |
Reloads the configuration object |
564 |
565 |
566 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.BuildRegistryPath"> |
567 |
568 |
This function build a valid registry path in dependecy to the |
569 |
assembly information |
570 |
571 |
572 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.LoadValuesFromPath(System.String)"> |
573 |
574 |
This method loads the values from registry |
575 |
576 |
<param name="regPath">the registry path</param> |
577 |
<returns><c>true</c> if the items were loaded</returns> |
578 |
579 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.SaveValuesToPath(System.String)"> |
580 |
581 |
This method store the information into registry |
582 |
583 |
<param name="regPath">the registry path</param> |
584 |
<returns><c>true</c> if the values were saved to the registry</returns> |
585 |
586 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.SavedConfigurationData"> |
587 |
588 |
Configuration data for this software and NetSparkle instance. |
589 |
Allows you to get information on the versions that the user |
590 |
skipped, when the last update was performed, etc. |
591 |
592 |
593 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.SavedConfigurationData.CheckForUpdate"> |
594 |
595 |
Whether or not to check for an update |
596 |
597 |
598 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.SavedConfigurationData.LastCheckTime"> |
599 |
600 |
The last DateTime that an update check was performed |
601 |
602 |
603 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.SavedConfigurationData.PreviousVersionOfSoftwareRan"> |
604 |
605 |
The previous version of the software that the user ran |
606 |
607 |
608 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.SavedConfigurationData.LastVersionSkipped"> |
609 |
610 |
The last version (as a string) that the user chose |
611 |
to skip. |
612 |
Can be blank. |
613 |
614 |
615 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.SavedConfigurationData.DidRunOnce"> |
616 |
617 |
Whether or not the software has run at least one time. |
618 |
619 |
620 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.SavedConfigurationData.LastConfigUpdate"> |
621 |
622 |
Last DateTime that the configuration data was updated. |
623 |
624 |
625 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader"> |
626 |
627 |
Class that downloads files from the internet and reports |
628 |
progress on those files being downloaded. Uses a WebClient |
629 |
object as its main method for downloading. |
630 |
631 |
632 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.#ctor"> |
633 |
634 |
Default constructor for the web client file downloader. |
635 |
Uses default credentials and default proxy. |
636 |
637 |
638 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.IsDownloading"> |
639 |
<inheritdoc/> |
640 |
641 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.DownloadProgressChanged"> |
642 |
<inheritdoc/> |
643 |
644 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.DownloadFileCompleted"> |
645 |
<inheritdoc/> |
646 |
647 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.Dispose"> |
648 |
<inheritdoc/> |
649 |
650 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.StartFileDownload(System.Uri,System.String)"> |
651 |
<inheritdoc/> |
652 |
653 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.CancelDownload"> |
654 |
<inheritdoc/> |
655 |
656 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.RetrieveDestinationFileNameAsync(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)"> |
657 |
<inheritdoc/> |
658 |
659 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader"> |
660 |
661 |
Class that takes care of downloading data for an app cast. Allows |
662 |
you to send extra JSON with your request for the app cast information. |
663 |
664 |
665 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader.#ctor"> |
666 |
667 |
Default constructor for the app cast data downloader. Basically |
668 |
does nothing. :) |
669 |
670 |
671 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader.TrustEverySSLConnection"> |
672 |
673 |
If true, don't check the validity of SSL certificates |
674 |
675 |
676 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader.ExtraJsonData"> |
677 |
678 |
If not "", sends extra JSON via POST to server with the web request for update information and for the DSA signature. |
679 |
680 |
681 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader.DownloadAndGetAppCastData(System.String)"> |
682 |
<inheritdoc/> |
683 |
684 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader.GetAppCastEncoding"> |
685 |
<inheritdoc/> |
686 |
687 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader.GetWebContentResponse(System.String)"> |
688 |
689 |
Download the app cast from the given URL. |
690 |
Performs a GET request by default. If ExtraJsonData is set, |
691 |
uses a POST request and sends the JSON data along with the |
692 |
request. |
693 |
694 |
<param name="url">the URL to download the app cast from</param> |
695 |
<returns>the response from the web server if creating the request
696 |
succeeded; null otherwise. The response is not guaranteed to have |
697 |
698 |
699 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader.ValidateRemoteCertificate(System.Object,System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate,System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain,System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors)"> |
700 |
701 |
Determine if the remote X509 certificate is valid |
702 |
703 |
<param name="sender">the web request</param> |
704 |
<param name="certificate">the certificate</param> |
705 |
<param name="chain">the chain</param> |
706 |
<param name="sslPolicyErrors">how to handle policy errors</param> |
707 |
<returns><c>true</c> if the cert is valid</returns> |
708 |
709 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.NextUpdateAction"> |
710 |
711 |
Everytime when NetSparkleUpdater detects an update, the |
712 |
consumer can decide what should happen next with the help |
713 |
of the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateDetected"/> event |
714 |
715 |
716 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.NextUpdateAction.ShowStandardUserInterface"> |
717 |
718 |
Show the user interface |
719 |
720 |
721 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.NextUpdateAction.PerformUpdateUnattended"> |
722 |
723 |
Perform an unattended install |
724 |
725 |
726 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.NextUpdateAction.ProhibitUpdate"> |
727 |
728 |
Prohibit the update |
729 |
730 |
731 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode"> |
732 |
733 |
Controls the situations where files have to be signed with the private key. |
734 |
If both a public key and a signature are present, they always have to be valid. |
735 |
736 |
We recommend using SecurityMode.Strict if at all possible. |
737 |
738 |
Note that <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber"/> needs to have |
739 |
<see cref="P:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.ChecksReleaseNotesSignature"/> set to true in order |
740 |
to verify signatures. |
741 |
742 |
743 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode.Unsafe"> |
744 |
745 |
All files (with or without signature) will be accepted. |
746 |
This mode is strongly NOT recommended. It can cause critical security issues. |
747 |
748 |
749 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode.UseIfPossible"> |
750 |
751 |
If there is a public key, the app cast and download file have to be signed. |
752 |
If there isn't a public key, files without a signature will also be accepted. |
753 |
This mode is a mix between Unsafe and Strict and can have some security issues if the |
754 |
public key gets lost in the application. |
755 |
756 |
757 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode.Strict"> |
758 |
759 |
The app cast and download file have to be signed. This means the public key must exist. This is the default mode. |
760 |
761 |
762 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode.OnlyVerifySoftwareDownloads"> |
763 |
764 |
Only verify the signature of software downloads (via an ISignatureVerifier). |
765 |
Do not verify the signature of anything else: app casts, release notes, etc. |
766 |
767 |
768 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateAvailableResult"> |
769 |
770 |
Possible Result values for IUpdateAvailable implementation. |
771 |
772 |
773 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateAvailableResult.None"> |
774 |
775 |
No result specified. Default value. |
776 |
777 |
778 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateAvailableResult.InstallUpdate"> |
779 |
780 |
User chose to install the update immediately. |
781 |
782 |
783 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateAvailableResult.SkipUpdate"> |
784 |
785 |
User chose to skip the update. |
786 |
787 |
788 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateAvailableResult.RemindMeLater"> |
789 |
790 |
User chose to remind them later about this update. |
791 |
792 |
793 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateStatus"> |
794 |
795 |
Possibilities for the status of an update request |
796 |
797 |
798 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateStatus.UpdateAvailable"> |
799 |
800 |
An update is available |
801 |
802 |
803 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateStatus.UpdateNotAvailable"> |
804 |
805 |
No updates are available |
806 |
807 |
808 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateStatus.UserSkipped"> |
809 |
810 |
An update is available, but the user has chosen to skip this version |
811 |
812 |
813 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateStatus.CouldNotDetermine"> |
814 |
815 |
There was a problem fetching the appcast |
816 |
817 |
818 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UserInteractionMode"> |
819 |
820 |
Allows for updating the application with or without user interaction. |
821 |
822 |
823 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UserInteractionMode.NotSilent"> |
824 |
825 |
Shows the changelog UI automatically (this is the default) |
826 |
827 |
828 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UserInteractionMode.DownloadNoInstall"> |
829 |
830 |
Downloads the latest update file and changelog automatically, but does not |
831 |
show any UI until asked to show UI. |
832 |
833 |
834 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UserInteractionMode.DownloadAndInstall"> |
835 |
836 |
Downloads the latest update file and automatically runs it as an installer file. |
837 |
<para>WARNING: if you don't tell the user that the application is about to quit
838 |
to update/run an installer, this setting might be quite the shock to the user! |
839 |
Make sure to implement AboutToExitForInstallerRun or AboutToExitForInstallerRunAsync |
840 |
so that you can show your users what is about to happen.</para>
841 |
842 |
843 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.ValidationResult"> |
844 |
845 |
Return value of the DSA verification check functions. |
846 |
847 |
848 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.ValidationResult.Valid"> |
849 |
850 |
The DSA public key and signature exists and they are valid. |
851 |
852 |
853 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.ValidationResult.Invalid"> |
854 |
855 |
Depending on the SecurityMode at least one of DSA public key or the signature dosn't exist or |
856 |
they exists but they are not valid. In this case the file will be rejected. |
857 |
858 |
859 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.ValidationResult.Unchecked"> |
860 |
861 |
There wasn't any DSA public key or signature and SecurityMode said this is okay. |
862 |
863 |
864 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.DownloadInstallEventHandler"> |
865 |
866 |
Event called when the download/install window closes |
867 |
868 |
<param name="sender">Sender of this event</param> |
869 |
<param name="args">DownloadInstallArgs with info on whether to install or not</param> |
870 |
871 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.DownloadInstallEventArgs"> |
872 |
873 |
Args sent via the DownloadInstallEventHandler when the download/install window closes |
874 |
875 |
876 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.DownloadInstallEventArgs.ShouldInstall"> |
877 |
878 |
Whether or not the listener should perform the installation process |
879 |
880 |
881 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.DownloadInstallEventArgs.WasHandled"> |
882 |
883 |
True if the download/install event was already handled; false otherwise |
884 |
885 |
886 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.DownloadInstallEventArgs.#ctor(System.Boolean)"> |
887 |
888 |
Constructor for DownloadInstallArgs |
889 |
890 |
<param name="shouldInstall">True if the listener should start the download process; false otherwise</param> |
891 |
892 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.ItemDownloadProgressEventArgs"> |
893 |
894 |
Provides data for a progress event for downloading an AppCastItem from a |
895 |
web server. |
896 |
897 |
898 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.ItemDownloadProgressEventArgs.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Object)"> |
899 |
900 |
Create an <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.ItemDownloadProgressEventArgs"/> object based on |
901 |
the total percentage (0-100, inclusive) and the custom user state. |
902 |
903 |
<param name="progressPercentage">the total download progress as an int (between 0-100)</param> |
904 |
<param name="userState">the custom user state sent along with the download progress</param> |
905 |
906 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.ItemDownloadProgressEventArgs.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Object,System.Int64,System.Int64)"> |
907 |
908 |
Create an <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.ItemDownloadProgressEventArgs"/> object based on |
909 |
the total percentage (0-100, inclusive), the custom user state, the |
910 |
number of bytes received, and the number of total bytes that need to |
911 |
be downloaded. |
912 |
913 |
<param name="progressPercentage">the total download progress as an int (between 0-100)</param> |
914 |
<param name="userState">the custom user state sent along with the download progress</param> |
915 |
<param name="bytesReceived">the number of bytes received by the downloader</param> |
916 |
<param name="totalBytesToReceive">the total number of bytes that need to be downloadeds</param> |
917 |
918 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.ItemDownloadProgressEventArgs.BytesReceived"> |
919 |
920 |
The number of bytes received by the downloader |
921 |
922 |
923 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.ItemDownloadProgressEventArgs.TotalBytesToReceive"> |
924 |
925 |
The total number of bytes that need to be downloaded |
926 |
927 |
928 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateDetectedEventArgs"> |
929 |
930 |
Contains all information for the update detected event |
931 |
932 |
933 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateDetectedEventArgs.NextAction"> |
934 |
935 |
The next action |
936 |
937 |
938 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateDetectedEventArgs.ApplicationConfig"> |
939 |
940 |
The application configuration |
941 |
942 |
943 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateDetectedEventArgs.LatestVersion"> |
944 |
945 |
The latest available version |
946 |
947 |
948 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateDetectedEventArgs.AppCastItems"> |
949 |
950 |
All app cast items that were sent in the appcast |
951 |
952 |
953 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateResponseEventArgs"> |
954 |
955 |
Event arguments for when a user responds to an available update UI |
956 |
957 |
958 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateResponseEventArgs.Result"> |
959 |
960 |
The user's response to the update |
961 |
962 |
963 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateResponseEventArgs.UpdateItem"> |
964 |
965 |
The AppCastItem that the user is responding to an update notice for |
966 |
967 |
968 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateResponseEventArgs.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateAvailableResult,NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)"> |
969 |
970 |
Constructor for UpdateResponseArgs that allows for easy setting |
971 |
of the result |
972 |
973 |
<param name="result">User's response of type UpdateAvailableResult</param> |
974 |
<param name="item">Item that the user is responding to an update message for</param> |
975 |
976 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastDataDownloader"> |
977 |
978 |
Interface used by objects that can download app casts from the internet. |
979 |
Use this interface to provide a custom method of grabbing your app cast |
980 |
from the internet or from a local file. |
981 |
982 |
983 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastDataDownloader.DownloadAndGetAppCastData(System.String)"> |
984 |
985 |
Used for both downloading app cast and the app cast's .dsa file. |
986 |
Note that you must handle your own exceptions if they occur. Otherwise, SparkleUpdater |
987 |
will act as though the appcast failed to download. |
988 |
989 |
<param name="url"></param> |
990 |
<returns></returns> |
991 |
992 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastDataDownloader.GetAppCastEncoding"> |
993 |
994 |
Get the string encoding (e.g. UTF8 or ASCII) of the |
995 |
app cast file so that it can be converted to bytes. |
996 |
(WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader defaults to UTF8.) |
997 |
998 |
<returns></returns> |
999 |
1000 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastHandler"> |
1001 |
1002 |
Interface used by objects that initiate a download process |
1003 |
for an app cast, perform any needed signature verification on |
1004 |
the app cast, and parse the app cast's items into a list of |
1005 |
<see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/>. |
1006 |
Implement this interface if you would like to use a custom parsing |
1007 |
method for your app cast that isn't yet built into NetSparkle. |
1008 |
1009 |
1010 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastHandler.SetupAppCastHandler(NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastDataDownloader,System.String,NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ILogger)"> |
1011 |
1012 |
Setup the app cast handler info for downloading and parsing app cast information |
1013 |
1014 |
<param name="dataDownloader">downloader that will manage the app cast download |
1015 |
(provided by <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> via the |
1016 |
<see cref="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.AppCastDataDownloader"/> property.</param> |
1017 |
<param name="castUrl">full URL to the app cast file</param> |
1018 |
<param name="config">configuration for handling update intervals/checks |
1019 |
(user skipped versions, etc.)</param>
1020 |
<param name="signatureVerifier">Object to check signatures of app cast information</param> |
1021 |
<param name="logWriter">object that you can utilize to do any necessary logging</param> |
1022 |
1023 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastHandler.DownloadAndParse"> |
1024 |
1025 |
Download the app cast file via the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastDataDownloader"/> |
1026 |
object and parse the downloaded information. |
1027 |
If this function is successful, <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> will call <see cref="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastHandler.GetAvailableUpdates"/> |
1028 |
to get the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> information. |
1029 |
Note that you must handle your own exceptions if they occur. Otherwise, <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> |
1030 |
will act as though the appc ast failed to download. |
1031 |
1032 |
<returns>true if downloading and parsing succeeded; false otherwise</returns> |
1033 |
1034 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastHandler.GetAvailableUpdates"> |
1035 |
1036 |
Retrieve the available updates from the app cast. |
1037 |
This should be called after <see cref="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastHandler.DownloadAndParse"/> has |
1038 |
successfully completed. |
1039 |
1040 |
<returns>a list of <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> updates. Can be empty if no updates are available.</returns> |
1041 |
1042 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor"> |
1043 |
1044 |
An assembly accessor grabs details on the current version |
1045 |
and publisher information for a C# application (presumably |
1046 |
the one that is currently running). This is intended to be |
1047 |
used in conjunction with a Configuration subclass in order |
1048 |
to retrieve and store info on the latest version of the app |
1049 |
that was used, whether the app has run 1x or not, etc. |
1050 |
These fields may or may not be required based on the specific |
1051 |
Configuration that you use. At the very least, make sure |
1052 |
your IAssemblyAccessor can grab valid info for the title of the |
1053 |
application, the product name (which may or may not be the same |
1054 |
as the title), and the version of the application (e.g. |
1055 |
1056 |
1057 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor.AssemblyCompany"> |
1058 |
1059 |
The publisher of the application. Might be "". |
1060 |
1061 |
1062 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor.AssemblyCopyright"> |
1063 |
1064 |
The copyright for the application (e.g. ?2020) |
1065 |
1066 |
1067 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor.AssemblyDescription"> |
1068 |
1069 |
Description of the assembly. |
1070 |
1071 |
1072 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor.AssemblyTitle"> |
1073 |
1074 |
Title of the assembly, e.g. "My Best Product" |
1075 |
1076 |
1077 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor.AssemblyProduct"> |
1078 |
1079 |
Product for the assembly. Might be the same as |
1080 |
the title, but also could be more specific than the |
1081 |
title. |
1082 |
1083 |
1084 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor.AssemblyVersion"> |
1085 |
1086 |
Version of the item that's running. E.g. |
1087 |
1088 |
1089 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ICheckingForUpdates"> |
1090 |
1091 |
Interface for UIs that tell the user that NetSparkle is checking for updates |
1092 |
1093 |
1094 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ICheckingForUpdates.UpdatesUIClosing"> |
1095 |
1096 |
Event to fire when the checking for updates UI is closing |
1097 |
1098 |
1099 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ICheckingForUpdates.Show"> |
1100 |
1101 |
Show the UI |
1102 |
1103 |
1104 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ICheckingForUpdates.Close"> |
1105 |
1106 |
Close the form |
1107 |
1108 |
1109 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IDownloadProgress"> |
1110 |
1111 |
Interface for UI element that shows the progress bar |
1112 |
and a method to install and relaunch the appliction |
1113 |
1114 |
1115 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IDownloadProgress.DownloadProcessCompleted"> |
1116 |
1117 |
Event to fire when the download UI is complete; tells you |
1118 |
if the install process should happen or not |
1119 |
1120 |
1121 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IDownloadProgress.SetDownloadAndInstallButtonEnabled(System.Boolean)"> |
1122 |
1123 |
Enable or disable the download and install button (such as when your "Can I gracefully close the window?" function is async and you don't |
1124 |
want your user to click the button multiple times) |
1125 |
1126 |
<param name="shouldBeEnabled">True if the button should be enabled; false otherwise</param> |
1127 |
1128 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IDownloadProgress.Show(System.Boolean)"> |
1129 |
1130 |
Show the UI for download progress |
1131 |
1132 |
<returns>True if download was successful; false otherwise</returns> |
1133 |
1134 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IDownloadProgress.OnDownloadProgressChanged(System.Object,NetSparkleUpdater.Events.ItemDownloadProgressEventArgs)"> |
1135 |
1136 |
Called when the download progress changes |
1137 |
1138 |
<param name="sender">sender of the progress update</param> |
1139 |
<param name="args">used to deliver info on download progress (e.g. |
1140 |
total bytes downloaded)</param>
1141 |
1142 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IDownloadProgress.Close"> |
1143 |
1144 |
Close the download progress UI |
1145 |
1146 |
1147 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IDownloadProgress.FinishedDownloadingFile(System.Boolean)"> |
1148 |
1149 |
Update UI to show file is downloaded and signature check result |
1150 |
1151 |
1152 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IDownloadProgress.DisplayErrorMessage(System.String)"> |
1153 |
1154 |
Show an error message in the download progress window if possible. |
1155 |
1156 |
<param name="errorMessage">Error message to display</param> |
1157 |
<returns>True if message displayed; false otherwise</returns> |
1158 |
1159 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ILogger"> |
1160 |
1161 |
Interface for objects that can handle log information output |
1162 |
(e.g. to a console or a file or something else) |
1163 |
1164 |
1165 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ILogger.PrintMessage(System.String,System.Object[])"> |
1166 |
1167 |
Print a message to the log output. |
1168 |
1169 |
<param name="message">Message to print</param> |
1170 |
<param name="arguments">Arguments to print (e.g. if using {0} format arguments)</param> |
1171 |
1172 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier"> |
1173 |
1174 |
Interface for objects that can verify a signature for an app cast, a |
1175 |
downloaded file, or some other item. This is used to verify that the |
1176 |
correct data was downloaded from the internet and there wasn't any |
1177 |
nefarious play or manipulation of items when something was delivered |
1178 |
to the end user. |
1179 |
1180 |
1181 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier.SecurityMode"> |
1182 |
1183 |
The <see cref="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier.SecurityMode"/> for the signature verifier. This determines |
1184 |
the level of security for the application and the items that it downloads |
1185 |
from the internet. |
1186 |
1187 |
1188 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier.HasValidKeyInformation"> |
1189 |
1190 |
Check to see if we have valid public (or other) key information so |
1191 |
that we can verify signatures properly. |
1192 |
1193 |
<returns>true if this object has valid public/other key information
1194 |
and can safely verify the signature of a given item; false otherwise</returns>
1195 |
1196 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier.VerifySignature(System.String,System.Byte[])"> |
1197 |
1198 |
Verify that the given data has the same signature as the passed-in signature |
1199 |
1200 |
<param name="signature">the base 64 signature to validate against dataToVerify's signature</param> |
1201 |
<param name="dataToVerify">the data that should be used to obtain a signature and |
1202 |
checked against the passed-in signature</param>
1203 |
<returns>the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.ValidationResult"/> result of the verification process</returns> |
1204 |
1205 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier.VerifySignatureOfFile(System.String,System.String)"> |
1206 |
1207 |
Verify that the file at the given path has the same signature as the passed-in |
1208 |
signature |
1209 |
1210 |
<param name="signature">the base 64 signature to validate against the signature of |
1211 |
the file at binaryPath</param>
1212 |
<param name="binaryPath">the file path to the file whose signature you want to verify</param> |
1213 |
<returns>the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.ValidationResult"/> result of the verification process</returns> |
1214 |
1215 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier.VerifySignatureOfString(System.String,System.String)"> |
1216 |
1217 |
Verify that the file at the given path has the same signature as the passed-in |
1218 |
string |
1219 |
1220 |
<param name="signature">the base 64 signature to validate against the signature |
1221 |
of the passed-in string</param>
1222 |
<param name="data">the string whose signature you want to verify</param> |
1223 |
<returns>the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.ValidationResult"/> result of the verification process</returns> |
1224 |
1225 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory"> |
1226 |
1227 |
Universal interface for creating UI utilized by SparkleUpdater |
1228 |
1229 |
1230 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.CreateUpdateAvailableWindow(NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater,System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem},System.Boolean)"> |
1231 |
1232 |
Create sparkle form implementation. This is the form that tells the user that an update is available, shows changelogs if necessary, etc. |
1233 |
1234 |
<param name="sparkle">The <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> instance to use</param> |
1235 |
<param name="updates">Sorted array of updates from latest to previous</param> |
1236 |
<param name="isUpdateAlreadyDownloaded">If true, make sure UI text shows that the user is about to install the file instead of download it.</param> |
1237 |
1238 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.CreateProgressWindow(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)"> |
1239 |
1240 |
Create download progress window |
1241 |
1242 |
<param name="item">Appcast item to download</param> |
1243 |
1244 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.ShowCheckingForUpdates"> |
1245 |
1246 |
Inform user in some way that NetSparkle is checking for updates |
1247 |
1248 |
1249 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.Init"> |
1250 |
1251 |
Initialize UI. Called when Sparkle is constructed and/or when the UIFactory is set. |
1252 |
1253 |
1254 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.ShowUnknownInstallerFormatMessage(System.String)"> |
1255 |
1256 |
Show user a message saying downloaded update format is unknown |
1257 |
1258 |
1259 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.ShowVersionIsUpToDate"> |
1260 |
1261 |
Show user that current installed version is up-to-date |
1262 |
1263 |
1264 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.ShowVersionIsSkippedByUserRequest"> |
1265 |
1266 |
Show message that latest update was skipped by user |
1267 |
1268 |
1269 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.ShowCannotDownloadAppcast(System.String)"> |
1270 |
1271 |
Show message that appcast is not available |
1272 |
1273 |
1274 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.CanShowToastMessages"> |
1275 |
1276 |
See if this UIFactory can show toast messages |
1277 |
1278 |
<returns>true if the UIFactory can show for toast messages; false otherwise</returns> |
1279 |
1280 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.ShowToast(System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem},System.Action{System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem}})"> |
1281 |
1282 |
Show 'toast' window to notify new version is available |
1283 |
1284 |
<param name="updates">Appcast updates</param> |
1285 |
<param name="clickHandler">handler for click</param> |
1286 |
1287 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.ShowDownloadErrorMessage(System.String,System.String)"> |
1288 |
1289 |
Show message on download error |
1290 |
1291 |
<param name="message">Error message from exception</param> |
1292 |
<param name="appcastUrl">the URL for the appcast file</param> |
1293 |
1294 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.Shutdown"> |
1295 |
1296 |
Shut down the UI so we can run an update. |
1297 |
If in WPF, System.Windows.Application.Current.Shutdown(). |
1298 |
If in WinForms, Application.Exit(). |
1299 |
1300 |
1301 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.HideReleaseNotes"> |
1302 |
1303 |
Hides the release notes view when an update is found. |
1304 |
1305 |
1306 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.HideSkipButton"> |
1307 |
1308 |
Hides the skip this update button when an update is found. |
1309 |
1310 |
1311 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.HideRemindMeLaterButton"> |
1312 |
1313 |
Hides the remind me later button when an update is found. |
1314 |
1315 |
1316 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable"> |
1317 |
1318 |
Interface for UI element that shows the release notes, |
1319 |
and the skip, install, and later buttons |
1320 |
1321 |
1322 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.UserResponded"> |
1323 |
1324 |
Event fired when the user has responded to the |
1325 |
skip, later, install question. |
1326 |
1327 |
1328 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.Show(System.Boolean)"> |
1329 |
1330 |
Show the UI |
1331 |
1332 |
1333 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.HideReleaseNotes"> |
1334 |
1335 |
Hides the release notes |
1336 |
1337 |
1338 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.HideRemindMeLaterButton"> |
1339 |
1340 |
Hides the remind me later button |
1341 |
1342 |
1343 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.HideSkipButton"> |
1344 |
1345 |
Hides the skip update button |
1346 |
1347 |
1348 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.Result"> |
1349 |
1350 |
Gets the result for skip, later, or install |
1351 |
1352 |
1353 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.CurrentItem"> |
1354 |
1355 |
Gets or sets the current item being installed |
1356 |
1357 |
1358 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.BringToFront"> |
1359 |
1360 |
Brings the form to the front of all windows |
1361 |
1362 |
1363 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.Close"> |
1364 |
1365 |
Close the form |
1366 |
1367 |
1368 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateDownloader"> |
1369 |
1370 |
Interface for objects that can download (or otherwise obtain) update files |
1371 |
for a given <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/>. These objects should send back |
1372 |
progress updates and handle other excepctions or other event changes as necessary. |
1373 |
1374 |
1375 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateDownloader.IsDownloading"> |
1376 |
1377 |
Return true if the update downloader is currently downloading the update |
1378 |
1379 |
1380 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateDownloader.DownloadProgressChanged"> |
1381 |
1382 |
Event to call when some progress has been made on the download |
1383 |
1384 |
1385 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateDownloader.DownloadFileCompleted"> |
1386 |
1387 |
Event to call when the download of the update file has been completed |
1388 |
1389 |
1390 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateDownloader.StartFileDownload(System.Uri,System.String)"> |
1391 |
1392 |
Start the download of the file. The file download should be asynchronous! |
1393 |
1394 |
<param name="uri">URL for the download</param> |
1395 |
<param name="downloadFilePath">Where to download the file</param> |
1396 |
1397 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateDownloader.CancelDownload"> |
1398 |
1399 |
Cancel the download. |
1400 |
1401 |
1402 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateDownloader.Dispose"> |
1403 |
1404 |
Clean up and dispose of anything that has to be disposed of |
1405 |
(cancel the download if needed, etc.) |
1406 |
1407 |
1408 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateDownloader.RetrieveDestinationFileNameAsync(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)"> |
1409 |
1410 |
Retrieve the download file name of the app cast item from the server. |
1411 |
This is useful if the server has any sort of redirects that take place |
1412 |
when starting the download process. The client will use this file name |
1413 |
when saving the file on disk. |
1414 |
NetSparkle.CheckServerFileName = false can be set to avoid this call. |
1415 |
1416 |
<param name="item">The AppCastItem that will be downloaded</param> |
1417 |
<returns>The file name of the file to download from the server
1418 |
(including file extension). Null if not found/had error/not applicable.</returns>
1419 |
1420 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.LogWriter"> |
1421 |
1422 |
A simple class to handle log information for NetSparkleUPdater. |
1423 |
Make sure to do any setup for this class that you want |
1424 |
to do before calling StartLoop on your SparkleUpdater object. |
1425 |
1426 |
1427 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.LogWriter.tag"> |
1428 |
1429 |
Tag to show before any log statements |
1430 |
1431 |
1432 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.LogWriter.#ctor"> |
1433 |
1434 |
Empty constructor -> sets PrintDiagnosticToConsole to false
1435 |
1436 |
1437 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.LogWriter.#ctor(System.Boolean)"> |
1438 |
1439 |
LogWriter constructor that takes a bool to determine |
1440 |
the value for printDiagnosticToConsole |
1441 |
1442 |
<param name="printDiagnosticToConsole">Whether this object should print via Debug.WriteLine or Console.WriteLine</param> |
1443 |
1444 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.LogWriter.PrintDiagnosticToConsole"> |
1445 |
1446 |
True if this class should print to Console.WriteLine; |
1447 |
false if this object should print to Debug.WriteLine. |
1448 |
Defaults to false. |
1449 |
1450 |
1451 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.LogWriter.PrintMessage(System.String,System.Object[])"> |
1452 |
<inheritdoc/> |
1453 |
1454 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.LoopStartedOperation"> |
1455 |
1456 |
The operation has started |
1457 |
1458 |
<param name="sender">the sender</param> |
1459 |
1460 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.LoopFinishedOperation"> |
1461 |
1462 |
The operation has ended |
1463 |
1464 |
<param name="sender">the sender</param> |
1465 |
<param name="updateRequired"><c>true</c> if an update is required</param> |
1466 |
1467 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateDetected"> |
1468 |
1469 |
This delegate will be used when an update was detected to allow library |
1470 |
consumer to add own user interface capabilities. |
1471 |
1472 |
1473 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateCheckStarted"> |
1474 |
1475 |
Update check has started. |
1476 |
1477 |
<param name="sender">Sparkle updater that is checking for an update.</param> |
1478 |
1479 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateCheckFinished"> |
1480 |
1481 |
Update check has finished. |
1482 |
1483 |
<param name="sender">Sparkle updater that finished checking for an update.</param> |
1484 |
<param name="status">Update status</param> |
1485 |
1486 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.CancelEventHandlerAsync"> |
1487 |
1488 |
An asynchronous cancel event handler. |
1489 |
1490 |
<param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> |
1491 |
<param name="e">A System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs that contains the event data.</param> |
1492 |
1493 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.CloseApplication"> |
1494 |
1495 |
Delegate for custom application shutdown logic |
1496 |
1497 |
1498 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.CloseApplicationAsync"> |
1499 |
1500 |
Async version of CloseApplication(). |
1501 |
Delegate for custom application shutdown logic |
1502 |
1503 |
1504 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.DownloadEvent"> |
1505 |
1506 |
A delegate for download events (start, canceled). |
1507 |
1508 |
1509 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.DownloadProgressEvent"> |
1510 |
1511 |
A delegate for download progress events (TODO: docs update) |
1512 |
1513 |
<param name="sender"></param> |
1514 |
<param name="args"></param> |
1515 |
1516 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.ItemDownloadProgressEvent"> |
1517 |
1518 |
A delegate for download progress events for a given item (TODO: docs update) |
1519 |
1520 |
<param name="sender"></param> |
1521 |
<param name="item"></param> |
1522 |
<param name="args"></param> |
1523 |
1524 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.UserRespondedToUpdate"> |
1525 |
1526 |
A handler called when the user responsed to an available update |
1527 |
1528 |
<param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> |
1529 |
<param name="e">An UpdateResponse object that contains the event data.</param> |
1530 |
1531 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.DownloadErrorEvent"> |
1532 |
1533 |
A delegate for a download error |
1534 |
1535 |
1536 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.NetSparkleException"> |
1537 |
1538 |
A NetSparkle exception |
1539 |
1540 |
1541 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.NetSparkleException.#ctor(System.String)"> |
1542 |
1543 |
Constructor |
1544 |
1545 |
<param name="message">exception message</param> |
1546 |
1547 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.NetSparkleException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)"> |
1548 |
1549 |
Constructor |
1550 |
1551 |
<param name="info">serialization info</param> |
1552 |
<param name="context">the context</param> |
1553 |
1554 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources"> |
1555 |
1556 |
A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. |
1557 |
1558 |
1559 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager"> |
1560 |
1561 |
Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. |
1562 |
1563 |
1564 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.Culture"> |
1565 |
1566 |
Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all |
1567 |
resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. |
1568 |
1569 |
1570 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_ErrorTitle"> |
1571 |
1572 |
Looks up a localized string similar to Error!. |
1573 |
1574 |
1575 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_MessageTitle"> |
1576 |
1577 |
Looks up a localized string similar to Info. |
1578 |
1579 |
1580 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_ShowCannotDownloadAppcastMessage"> |
1581 |
1582 |
Looks up a localized string similar to Sorry, either you aren't connected to the internet, or our server is having a problem..
1583 |
1584 |
1585 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_ShowDownloadErrorMessage"> |
1586 |
1587 |
Looks up a localized string similar to Sorry, there was a problem attempting to download the update |
1588 |
1589 |
{0}. |
1590 |
1591 |
1592 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_ShowUnknownInstallerFormatMessageText"> |
1593 |
1594 |
Looks up a localized string similar to Updater not supported, please execute {0} manually. |
1595 |
1596 |
1597 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_ShowVersionIsSkippedByUserRequestMessage"> |
1598 |
1599 |
Looks up a localized string similar to You have elected to skip this version.. |
1600 |
1601 |
1602 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_ShowVersionIsUpToDateMessage"> |
1603 |
1604 |
Looks up a localized string similar to Your current version is up to date.. |
1605 |
1606 |
1607 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_ToastCallToAction"> |
1608 |
1609 |
Looks up a localized string similar to More information. |
1610 |
1611 |
1612 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_ToastMessage"> |
1613 |
1614 |
Looks up a localized string similar to New Version Available. |
1615 |
1616 |
1617 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber"> |
1618 |
1619 |
Grabs release notes formatted as Markdown from the server and allows you to view them as HTML |
1620 |
1621 |
1622 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber._separatorTemplate"> |
1623 |
1624 |
The HTML template to use between each changelog for every update between the |
1625 |
most current update and the one that the user is going to install |
1626 |
1627 |
1628 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber._initialHTML"> |
1629 |
1630 |
The initial HTML to use for the changelog. This is everything before the |
1631 |
body tag and includes the html and head elements/tags. |
1632 |
1633 |
1634 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber._sparkle"> |
1635 |
1636 |
The <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> for this ReleaseNotesGrabber. Mostly |
1637 |
used for logging via <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.LogWriter"/>, but also can be used |
1638 |
to grab other information about updates, etc. |
1639 |
1640 |
1641 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.MarkdownExtensions"> |
1642 |
1643 |
List of supported extensions for markdown files (.md, .mkdn, .mkd, .markdown) |
1644 |
1645 |
1646 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.ChecksReleaseNotesSignature"> |
1647 |
1648 |
Whether or not to check the signature of the release notes |
1649 |
after they've been downloaded. Defaults to false. |
1650 |
1651 |
1652 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.#ctor(System.String,System.String,NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater)"> |
1653 |
1654 |
Base constructor for ReleaseNotesGrabber |
1655 |
1656 |
<param name="separatorTemplate">Template to use for separating each item in the HTML</param> |
1657 |
<param name="htmlHeadAddition">Any additional header information to stick in the HTML that will show up in the release notes</param> |
1658 |
<param name="sparkle">Sparkle updater being used</param> |
1659 |
1660 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.GetLoadingText"> |
1661 |
1662 |
Generates the text to display while release notes are loading |
1663 |
1664 |
<returns>HTML to show to the user while release notes are loading</returns> |
1665 |
1666 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.DownloadAllReleaseNotes(System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem},NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,System.Threading.CancellationToken)"> |
1667 |
1668 |
Download all of the release notes provided to this function and convert them to HTML |
1669 |
1670 |
<param name="items">List of items that you want to display in the release notes</param> |
1671 |
<param name="latestVersion">The latest version (most current version) of your releases</param> |
1672 |
<param name="cancellationToken">Token to cancel the async download requests</param> |
1673 |
<returns></returns> |
1674 |
1675 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.GetReleaseNotes(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater,System.Threading.CancellationToken)"> |
1676 |
1677 |
Grab the release notes for the given item and return their release notes |
1678 |
in HTML format so that they can be displayed to the user. |
1679 |
1680 |
<param name="item"><see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/>item to download the release notes for</param> |
1681 |
<param name="sparkle"><see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> that can be used for logging information |
1682 |
about the release notes grabbing process (or its failures)</param>
1683 |
<param name="cancellationToken">token that can be used to cancel a release notes |
1684 |
grabbing operation</param>
1685 |
<returns></returns> |
1686 |
1687 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.DownloadReleaseNotes(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken,NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater)"> |
1688 |
1689 |
Download the release notes at the given link. Does not do anything else |
1690 |
for the release notes (verification, display, etc.) -- just downloads the |
1691 |
release notes and passes them back as a string. |
1692 |
1693 |
<param name="link">string URL to the release notes to download</param> |
1694 |
<param name="cancellationToken">token that can be used to cancel a download operation</param> |
1695 |
<param name="sparkle"><see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> that can be used for logging information |
1696 |
about the download process (or its failures)</param>
1697 |
<returns></returns> |
1698 |
1699 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker"> |
1700 |
1701 |
Class to verify a DSA signature |
1702 |
1703 |
1704 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.HasValidKeyInformation"> |
1705 |
1706 |
Determines if a public key exists |
1707 |
1708 |
<returns><c>bool</c></returns> |
1709 |
1710 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode,System.String,System.String)"> |
1711 |
1712 |
Create a DSAChecker object from the given parameters |
1713 |
1714 |
<param name="mode">The security mode of the validator. Controls what needs to be set in order to validate |
1715 |
an app cast and its items.</param>
1716 |
<param name="publicKey">the public key as string (will be preferred before the file)</param> |
1717 |
<param name="publicKeyFile">the public key file</param> |
1718 |
1719 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.SecurityMode"> |
1720 |
1721 |
<inheritdoc/> |
1722 |
1723 |
1724 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.VerifySignature(System.String,System.Byte[])"> |
1725 |
<inheritdoc/> |
1726 |
1727 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.VerifySignatureOfFile(System.String,System.String)"> |
1728 |
<inheritdoc/> |
1729 |
1730 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.VerifySignatureOfString(System.String,System.String)"> |
1731 |
<inheritdoc/> |
1732 |
1733 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.TryGetFileResource(System.String,System.IO.Stream)"> |
1734 |
1735 |
Gets a file resource |
1736 |
1737 |
<param name="publicKey">the public key</param> |
1738 |
<param name="data">the data stream</param> |
1739 |
<returns>the data stream</returns> |
1740 |
1741 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.TryGetResourceStream(System.String)"> |
1742 |
1743 |
Get a resource stream |
1744 |
1745 |
<param name="publicKey">the public key</param> |
1746 |
<returns>a stream</returns> |
1747 |
1748 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker"> |
1749 |
1750 |
Class to verify a Ed25519 signature |
1751 |
1752 |
1753 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker.HasValidKeyInformation"> |
1754 |
1755 |
Determines if a public key exists |
1756 |
1757 |
<returns><c>bool</c></returns> |
1758 |
1759 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode,System.String,System.String)"> |
1760 |
1761 |
Create a Ed25519Checker object from the given parameters |
1762 |
1763 |
<param name="mode">The security mode of the validator. Controls what needs to be set in order to validate |
1764 |
an app cast and its items.</param>
1765 |
<param name="publicKey">the base 64 public key as a string</param> |
1766 |
<param name="publicKeyFile">the public key file</param> |
1767 |
1768 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker.SecurityMode"> |
1769 |
1770 |
<inheritdoc/> |
1771 |
1772 |
1773 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker.VerifySignature(System.String,System.Byte[])"> |
1774 |
<inheritdoc/> |
1775 |
1776 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker.VerifySignatureOfFile(System.String,System.String)"> |
1777 |
<inheritdoc/> |
1778 |
1779 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker.VerifySignatureOfString(System.String,System.String)"> |
1780 |
<inheritdoc/> |
1781 |
1782 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker.TryGetFileResource(System.String,System.IO.Stream)"> |
1783 |
1784 |
Gets a file resource |
1785 |
1786 |
<param name="publicKey">the public key</param> |
1787 |
<param name="data">the data stream</param> |
1788 |
<returns>the data stream</returns> |
1789 |
1790 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker.TryGetResourceStream(System.String)"> |
1791 |
1792 |
Get a resource stream |
1793 |
1794 |
<param name="publicKey">the public key</param> |
1795 |
<returns>a stream</returns> |
1796 |
1797 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"> |
1798 |
1799 |
Class to communicate with a sparkle-based appcast to download |
1800 |
and install updates to an application |
1801 |
1802 |
1803 |
<member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater._installerProcess"> |
1804 |
1805 |
The <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Process"/> responsible for launching the downloaded update. |
1806 |
Only valid once the application is about to quit and the update is going to |
1807 |
be launched. |
1808 |
1809 |
1810 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.#ctor(System.String,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier)"> |
1811 |
1812 |
ctor which needs the appcast url |
1813 |
1814 |
<param name="appcastUrl">the URL of the appcast file</param> |
1815 |
<param name="signatureVerifier">the object that will verify your appcast signatures.</param> |
1816 |
1817 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.#ctor(System.String,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier,System.String)"> |
1818 |
1819 |
ctor which needs the appcast url and a referenceassembly |
1820 |
1821 |
<param name="appcastUrl">the URL of the appcast file</param> |
1822 |
<param name="signatureVerifier">the object that will verify your appcast signatures.</param> |
1823 |
<param name="referenceAssembly">the name of the assembly to use for comparison when checking update versions</param> |
1824 |
1825 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.#ctor(System.String,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier,System.String,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory)"> |
1826 |
1827 |
ctor which needs the appcast url and a referenceassembly |
1828 |
1829 |
<param name="appcastUrl">the URL of the appcast file</param> |
1830 |
<param name="signatureVerifier">the object that will verify your appcast signatures.</param> |
1831 |
<param name="referenceAssembly">the name of the assembly to use for comparison when checking update versions</param> |
1832 |
<param name="factory">a UI factory to use in place of the default UI</param> |
1833 |
1834 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.SecurityProtocolType"> |
1835 |
1836 |
The security protocol used by NetSparkle. Setting this property will also set this |
1837 |
for the current AppDomain of the caller. Needs to be set to |
1838 |
SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 for some cases (such as when downloading from GitHub). |
1839 |
1840 |
1841 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UserInteractionMode"> |
1842 |
1843 |
Set the user interaction mode for Sparkle to use when there is a valid update for the software |
1844 |
1845 |
1846 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.TmpDownloadFilePath"> |
1847 |
1848 |
If set, downloads files to this path. If the folder doesn't already exist, creates |
1849 |
the folder at download time (and not before). |
1850 |
Note that this variable is a path, not a full file name. |
1851 |
1852 |
1853 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.RelaunchAfterUpdate"> |
1854 |
1855 |
Defines if the application needs to be relaunched after executing the downloaded installer |
1856 |
1857 |
1858 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CustomInstallerArguments"> |
1859 |
1860 |
Run the downloaded installer with these arguments |
1861 |
1862 |
1863 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.ClearOldInstallers"> |
1864 |
1865 |
Function that is called asynchronously to clean up old installers that have been |
1866 |
downloaded with SilentModeTypes.DownloadNoInstall or SilentModeTypes.DownloadAndInstall. |
1867 |
1868 |
1869 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.IsUpdateLoopRunning"> |
1870 |
1871 |
Whether or not the update loop is running |
1872 |
1873 |
1874 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UIFactory"> |
1875 |
1876 |
Factory for creating UI elements like progress window, etc. |
1877 |
1878 |
1879 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UpdateAvailableWindow"> |
1880 |
1881 |
The user interface window that shows the release notes and |
1882 |
asks the user to skip, remind me later, or update |
1883 |
1884 |
1885 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.ProgressWindow"> |
1886 |
1887 |
The user interface window that shows a download progress bar, |
1888 |
and then asks to install and relaunch the application |
1889 |
1890 |
1891 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CheckingForUpdatesWindow"> |
1892 |
1893 |
The user interface window that shows the 'Checking for Updates...' |
1894 |
form. |
1895 |
1896 |
1897 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.Configuration"> |
1898 |
1899 |
The NetSparkle configuration object for the current assembly. |
1900 |
1901 |
1902 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifier"> |
1903 |
1904 |
The object that verifies signatures (DSA or otherwise) of downloaded items |
1905 |
1906 |
1907 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.AppCastUrl"> |
1908 |
1909 |
Gets or sets the appcast URL |
1910 |
1911 |
1912 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UseNotificationToast"> |
1913 |
1914 |
Specifies if you want to use the notification toast |
1915 |
1916 |
1917 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.ShowsUIOnMainThread"> |
1918 |
1919 |
WinForms/WPF only. |
1920 |
If true, tries to run UI code on the main thread using <see cref="T:System.Threading.SynchronizationContext"/>. |
1921 |
Must be set to true if using NetSparkleUpdater from Avalonia. |
1922 |
1923 |
1924 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.LogWriter"> |
1925 |
1926 |
Object that handles any diagnostic messages for NetSparkle. |
1927 |
If you want to use your own class for this, you should just |
1928 |
need to override <see cref="M:NetSparkleUpdater.LogWriter.PrintMessage(System.String,System.Object[])"/> in your own class. |
1929 |
Make sure to set this object before calling <see cref="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.StartLoop(System.Boolean)"/> to guarantee |
1930 |
that all messages will get sent to the right place! |
1931 |
1932 |
1933 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CheckServerFileName"> |
1934 |
1935 |
Whether or not to check with the online server to verify download |
1936 |
file names. |
1937 |
1938 |
1939 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.LatestAppCastItems"> |
1940 |
1941 |
Returns the latest appcast items to the caller. Might be null. |
1942 |
1943 |
1944 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UpdateMarkedCritical"> |
1945 |
1946 |
Loops through all of the most recently grabbed app cast items |
1947 |
and checks if any of them are marked as critical |
1948 |
1949 |
1950 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UpdateDownloader"> |
1951 |
1952 |
The object responsable for downloading update files for your application |
1953 |
1954 |
1955 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.AppCastDataDownloader"> |
1956 |
1957 |
The object responsible for downloading app cast and app cast signature |
1958 |
information for your application |
1959 |
1960 |
1961 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.AppCastHandler"> |
1962 |
1963 |
The object responsible for parsing app cast information and checking to |
1964 |
see if any updates are available in a given app cast |
1965 |
1966 |
1967 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.StartLoop(System.Boolean)"> |
1968 |
1969 |
Starts a NetSparkle background loop to check for updates every 24 hours. |
1970 |
<para>You should only call this function when your app is initialized and shows its main window.</para> |
1971 |
1972 |
<param name="doInitialCheck">whether the first check should happen before or after the first interval</param> |
1973 |
1974 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.StartLoop(System.Boolean,System.TimeSpan)"> |
1975 |
1976 |
Starts a NetSparkle background loop to check for updates on a given interval. |
1977 |
<para>You should only call this function when your app is initialized and shows its main window.</para> |
1978 |
1979 |
<param name="doInitialCheck">whether the first check should happen before or after the first interval</param> |
1980 |
<param name="checkFrequency">the interval to wait between update checks</param> |
1981 |
1982 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.StartLoop(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"> |
1983 |
1984 |
Starts a NetSparkle background loop to check for updates every 24 hours. |
1985 |
<para>You should only call this function when your app is initialized and shows its main window.</para> |
1986 |
1987 |
<param name="doInitialCheck">whether the first check should happen before or after the first interval</param> |
1988 |
<param name="forceInitialCheck">if <paramref name="doInitialCheck"/> is true, whether the first check |
1989 |
should happen even if the last check was less than 24 hours ago</param>
1990 |
1991 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.StartLoop(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.TimeSpan)"> |
1992 |
1993 |
Starts a NetSparkle background loop to check for updates on a given interval. |
1994 |
<para>You should only call this function when your app is initialized and shows its main window.</para> |
1995 |
1996 |
<param name="doInitialCheck">whether the first check should happen before or after the first period</param> |
1997 |
<param name="forceInitialCheck">if <paramref name="doInitialCheck"/> is true, whether the first check |
1998 |
should happen even if the last check was within the last <paramref name="checkFrequency"/> interval</param> |
1999 |
<param name="checkFrequency">the interval to wait between update checks</param> |
2000 |
2001 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.StopLoop"> |
2002 |
2003 |
Stops the Sparkle background loop. Called automatically by <see cref="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.Dispose"/>. |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.Finalize"> |
2007 |
2008 |
Finalizer |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.Dispose"> |
2012 |
2013 |
Inherited from IDisposable. Stops all background activities. |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.Dispose(System.Boolean)"> |
2017 |
2018 |
Dispose of managed and unmanaged resources |
2019 |
2020 |
<param name="disposing"></param> |
2021 |
2022 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UnregisterEvents"> |
2023 |
2024 |
Unregisters events so that we don't have multiple items updating |
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.GetUpdateStatus(NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration)"> |
2028 |
2029 |
This method checks if an update is required. During this process the appcast |
2030 |
will be downloaded and checked against the reference assembly. Ensure that |
2031 |
the calling process has read access to the reference assembly. |
2032 |
This method is also called from the background loops. |
2033 |
2034 |
<param name="config">the NetSparkle configuration for the reference assembly</param> |
2035 |
<returns><see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateInfo"/> with information on whether there is an update available or not.</returns> |
2036 |
2037 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.ShowUpdateNeededUI(System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem},System.Boolean)"> |
2038 |
2039 |
Shows the update needed UI with the given set of updates. |
2040 |
2041 |
<param name="updates">updates to show UI for</param> |
2042 |
<param name="isUpdateAlreadyDownloaded">If true, make sure UI text shows that the user is about to install the file instead of download it.</param> |
2043 |
2044 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.ShowUpdateNeededUI(System.Boolean)"> |
2045 |
2046 |
Shows the update UI with the latest downloaded update information. |
2047 |
2048 |
<param name="isUpdateAlreadyDownloaded">If true, make sure UI text shows that the user is about to install the file instead of download it.</param> |
2049 |
2050 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.GetDownloadPathForAppCastItem(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)"> |
2051 |
2052 |
Get the download path for a given app cast item. |
2053 |
If any directories need to be created, this function |
2054 |
will create those directories. |
2055 |
2056 |
<param name="item">The item that you want to generate a download path for</param> |
2057 |
<returns>The download path for an app cast item if item is not null and has valid download link
2058 |
Otherwise returns null.</returns>
2059 |
2060 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.InitAndBeginDownload(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)"> |
2061 |
2062 |
Starts the download process by grabbing the download path for |
2063 |
the app cast item (asynchronous so that it can get the server's |
2064 |
download name in case there is a redirect; cancel this by setting |
2065 |
CheckServerFileName to false), then beginning the download |
2066 |
process if the download file doesn't already exist |
2067 |
2068 |
<param name="item">the appcast item to download</param> |
2069 |
2070 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.OnDownloadFinished(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs)"> |
2071 |
2072 |
Called when the installer is downloaded |
2073 |
2074 |
<param name="sender">not used.</param> |
2075 |
<param name="e">used to determine if the download was successful.</param> |
2076 |
2077 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.InstallUpdate(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,System.String)"> |
2078 |
2079 |
Run the provided app cast item update regardless of what else is going on. |
2080 |
Note that a more up to date download may be taking place, so if you don't |
2081 |
want to run a potentially out-of-date installer, don't use this. This should |
2082 |
only be used if your user wants to update before another update has been |
2083 |
installed AND the file is already downloaded. |
2084 |
This function will verify that the file exists and that the DSA |
2085 |
signature is valid before running. It will also utilize the |
2086 |
PreparingToExit event to ensure that the application can close. |
2087 |
2088 |
<param name="item">AppCastItem to install</param> |
2089 |
<param name="installPath">Install path to the executable. If not provided, will ask the server for the download path.</param> |
2090 |
2091 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.IsDownloadingItem(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)"> |
2092 |
2093 |
Checks to see |
2094 |
2095 |
<param name="item"></param> |
2096 |
<returns></returns> |
2097 |
2098 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.IsDownloadingSilently"> |
2099 |
2100 |
True if the user has silent updates enabled; false otherwise. |
2101 |
2102 |
2103 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.DoExtensionsMatch(System.String,System.String)"> |
2104 |
2105 |
Checks to see if two extensions match (this is basically just a |
2106 |
convenient string comparison). Both extensions should include the |
2107 |
initial . (full-stop/period) in the extension. |
2108 |
2109 |
<param name="extension">first extension to check</param> |
2110 |
<param name="otherExtension">other extension to check</param> |
2111 |
<returns>true if the extensions match; false otherwise</returns> |
2112 |
2113 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.GetWindowsInstallerCommand(System.String)"> |
2114 |
2115 |
Get the install command for the file at the given path. Figures out which |
2116 |
command to use based on the download file path's file extension. |
2117 |
Currently supports .exe, .msi, and .msp. |
2118 |
2119 |
<param name="downloadFilePath">Path to the downloaded update file</param> |
2120 |
<returns>the installer command if the file has one of the given
2121 |
extensions; the initial downloadFilePath if not.</returns>
2122 |
2123 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.GetInstallerCommand(System.String)"> |
2124 |
2125 |
Get the install command for the file at the given path. Figures out which |
2126 |
command to use based on the download file path's file extension. |
2127 |
<para>Windows: currently supports .exe, .msi, and .msp.</para> |
2128 |
<para>macOS: currently supports .pkg, .dmg, and .zip.</para> |
2129 |
<para>Linux: currently supports .tar.gz, .deb, and .rpm.</para> |
2130 |
2131 |
<param name="downloadFilePath">Path to the downloaded update file</param> |
2132 |
<returns>the installer command if the file has one of the given
2133 |
extensions; the initial downloadFilePath if not.</returns>
2134 |
2135 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.RunDownloadedInstaller(System.String)"> |
2136 |
2137 |
Updates the application via the file at the given path. Figures out which command needs |
2138 |
to be run, sets up the application so that it will start the downloaded file once the |
2139 |
main application stops, and then waits to start the downloaded update. |
2140 |
2141 |
<param name="downloadFilePath">path to the downloaded installer/updater</param> |
2142 |
<returns>the awaitable <see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task"/> for the application quitting</returns> |
2143 |
2144 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.QuitApplication"> |
2145 |
2146 |
Quits the application (host application) |
2147 |
2148 |
<returns>Runs asynchrously, so returns a Task</returns> |
2149 |
2150 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.AskApplicationToSafelyCloseUp"> |
2151 |
2152 |
Apps may need, for example, to let user save their work |
2153 |
2154 |
<returns>true if it's OK to run the installer</returns> |
2155 |
2156 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CheckForUpdatesAtUserRequest"> |
2157 |
2158 |
Check for updates, using UI interaction appropriate for if the user initiated the update request |
2159 |
2160 |
2161 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CheckForUpdatesQuietly"> |
2162 |
2163 |
Check for updates, using interaction appropriate for where the user doesn't know you're doing it, so be polite. |
2164 |
Basically, this checks for updates without showing a UI. However, if a UIFactory is set and an update |
2165 |
is found, an update UI will be shown! |
2166 |
2167 |
2168 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CheckForUpdates"> |
2169 |
2170 |
Does a one-off check for updates |
2171 |
2172 |
2173 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CancelFileDownload"> |
2174 |
2175 |
Cancels an in-progress download and deletes the temporary file. |
2176 |
2177 |
2178 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CallFuncConsideringUIThreads(System.Action)"> |
2179 |
2180 |
Events should always be fired on the thread that started the Sparkle object. |
2181 |
Used for events that are fired after coming from an update available window |
2182 |
or the download progress window. |
2183 |
Basically, if ShowsUIOnMainThread, just invokes the action. Otherwise, |
2184 |
uses the SynchronizationContext to call the action. Ensures that the action |
2185 |
is always on the main thread. |
2186 |
2187 |
<param name="action"></param> |
2188 |
2189 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CallFuncConsideringUIThreadsAsync(System.Func{System.Threading.Tasks.Task})"> |
2190 |
2191 |
Events should always be fired on the thread that started the Sparkle object. |
2192 |
Used for events that are fired after coming from an update available window |
2193 |
or the download progress window. |
2194 |
Basically, if ShowsUIOnMainThread, just invokes the action. Otherwise, |
2195 |
uses the SynchronizationContext to call the action. Ensures that the action |
2196 |
is always on the main thread. |
2197 |
2198 |
<param name="action"></param> |
2199 |
2200 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.OnUserWindowUserResponded(System.Object,NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateResponseEventArgs)"> |
2201 |
2202 |
2203 |
<param name="sender">not used.</param> |
2204 |
<param name="args">Info on the user response and what update item they responded to</param> |
2205 |
2206 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.OnWorkerDoWork(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs)"> |
2207 |
2208 |
This method will be executed as worker thread |
2209 |
2210 |
2211 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.OnWorkerProgressChanged(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs)"> |
2212 |
2213 |
This method will be notified by the SparkleUpdater loop when |
2214 |
some update info has been downloaded. If the info has been |
2215 |
downloaded fully (e.ProgressPercentage == 1), the UI |
2216 |
for downloading updates will be shown (if not downloading silently) |
2217 |
or the download will be performed (if downloading silently). |
2218 |
2219 |
2220 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UpdatesHaveBeenDownloaded(System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem})"> |
2221 |
2222 |
Updates from appcast have been downloaded from the server |
2223 |
2224 |
<param name="updates">updates to be installed</param> |
2225 |
2226 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.LoopStarted"> |
2227 |
2228 |
This event will be raised when a check loop will be started |
2229 |
2230 |
2231 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.LoopFinished"> |
2232 |
2233 |
This event will be raised when a check loop is finished |
2234 |
2235 |
2236 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UpdateCheckStarted"> |
2237 |
2238 |
Called when update check has just started |
2239 |
2240 |
2241 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UpdateDetected"> |
2242 |
2243 |
This event can be used to override the standard user interface |
2244 |
process when an update is detected |
2245 |
2246 |
2247 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UpdateCheckFinished"> |
2248 |
2249 |
Called when update check is all done. May or may not have called <see cref="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UpdateDetected"/> in the middle. |
2250 |
2251 |
2252 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UserRespondedToUpdate"> |
2253 |
2254 |
The user responded to the update UI with a given response. |
2255 |
This is called _after_ NetSparkle handles the response in all cases EXCEPT |
2256 |
when the result is UpdateAvailableResult.InstallUpdate -- in that case, this |
2257 |
event is called BEFORE downloading the update begins. |
2258 |
2259 |
2260 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.DownloadStarted"> |
2261 |
2262 |
Called when the download has just started |
2263 |
2264 |
2265 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.DownloadCanceled"> |
2266 |
2267 |
Called when the download has been canceled |
2268 |
2269 |
2270 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.DownloadHadError"> |
2271 |
2272 |
Called when the download has downloaded but has an error other than corruption |
2273 |
2274 |
2275 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.DownloadMadeProgress"> |
2276 |
2277 |
Called when the download has made some progress. Also sent to the progress window |
2278 |
if one is available. |
2279 |
2280 |
2281 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.DownloadFinished"> |
2282 |
2283 |
Called when the downloaded file is fully downloaded and verified regardless of the value for |
2284 |
SilentMode. Note that if you are installing fully silently, this will be called before the |
2285 |
install file is executed, so don't manually initiate the file or anything. Useful when using |
2286 |
SilentModeTypes.DownloadNoInstall so you can let your user know when the downloaded |
2287 |
update is ready. |
2288 |
2289 |
2290 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.DownloadedFileIsCorrupt"> |
2291 |
2292 |
Called when the downloaded file is already downloaded (or at least partially on disk) and the DSA |
2293 |
signature doesn't match. When this is called, Sparkle is not taking any further action to |
2294 |
try to download the install file during this instance of the software. In order to make Sparkle |
2295 |
try again, you must delete the file off disk yourself. Sparkle will try again after the software |
2296 |
is restarted. This event could allow you to tell the user what happened if updates are silent. |
2297 |
2298 |
2299 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.PreparingToExit"> |
2300 |
2301 |
Subscribe to this to get a chance to shut down gracefully before quitting. |
2302 |
If <see cref="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.PreparingToExitAsync"/> is set, this has no effect. |
2303 |
2304 |
2305 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.PreparingToExitAsync"> |
2306 |
2307 |
Subscribe to this to get a chance to asynchronously shut down gracefully before quitting. |
2308 |
This overrides <see cref="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.PreparingToExit"/>. |
2309 |
2310 |
2311 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CloseApplication"> |
2312 |
2313 |
Event for custom shutdown logic. If this is set, it is called instead of |
2314 |
Application.Current.Shutdown or Application.Exit. |
2315 |
If <see cref="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CloseApplicationAsync"/> is set, this has no effect. |
2316 |
<para>Warning: The script that launches your executable only waits for 90 seconds before
2317 |
giving up! Make sure that your software closes within 90 seconds if you implement this event! |
2318 |
If you need an event that can be canceled, use <see cref="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.PreparingToExit"/>.</para> |
2319 |
2320 |
2321 |
<member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CloseApplicationAsync"> |
2322 |
2323 |
Event for asynchronous custom shutdown logic. If this is set, it is called instead of |
2324 |
Application.Current.Shutdown or Application.Exit. |
2325 |
This overrides <see cref="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CloseApplication"/>. |
2326 |
<para>Warning: The script that launches your executable only waits for 90 seconds before
2327 |
giving up! Make sure that your software closes within 90 seconds if you implement this event! |
2328 |
If you need an event that can be canceled, use <see cref="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.PreparingToExitAsync"/>.</para> |
2329 |
2330 |
2331 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateInfo"> |
2332 |
2333 |
A simple class to hold information on potential updates to a software product. |
2334 |
2335 |
2336 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateInfo.Status"> |
2337 |
2338 |
Update availability. |
2339 |
2340 |
2341 |
<member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateInfo.Updates"> |
2342 |
2343 |
Any available updates for the product. |
2344 |
2345 |
2346 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateInfo.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateStatus,System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem})"> |
2347 |
2348 |
Constructor for SparkleUpdate when there are some updates available. |
2349 |
2350 |
2351 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateInfo.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateStatus)"> |
2352 |
2353 |
Constructor for SparkleUpdate for when there aren't any updates available. Updates are automatically set to null. |
2354 |
2355 |
2356 |
<member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Utilities"> |
2357 |
2358 |
Provides commonly used utility functions. |
2359 |
2360 |
2361 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Utilities.GetVersionString(System.Version)"> |
2362 |
2363 |
Removes trailing 0 components from the given version. |
2364 |
2365 |
<param name="version">Version object</param> |
2366 |
<returns>Version string</returns> |
2367 |
2368 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Utilities.GetDSASignature(System.String,System.String)"> |
2369 |
2370 |
Gets the signature of a file with the given DSA private key. |
2371 |
2372 |
<param name="fileToSignPath">Path to the file you want to sign</param> |
2373 |
<param name="privateKeyFilePath">Path to the private key file</param> |
2374 |
<returns>DSA signature as base64 string</returns> |
2375 |
2376 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Utilities.GetAbsoluteURL(System.String,System.String)"> |
2377 |
2378 |
Creates a <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> from a URL string. If the URL is relative, converts it to an absolute URL based on the appcast URL. |
2379 |
2380 |
<param name="url">relative or absolute URL</param> |
2381 |
<param name="appcastURL">URL to appcast</param> |
2382 |
2383 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Utilities.ConvertNumBytesToUserReadableString(System.Int64)"> |
2384 |
2385 |
Convert a number of bytes to a user-readable string |
2386 |
2387 |
<param name="numBytes">Number of bytes to convert</param> |
2388 |
<returns>A string that represents the number of bytes in KB, MB, or GB if numBytes > 1024. |
2389 |
If numBytes is less than 1024, returns numBytes.</returns>
2390 |
2391 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Utilities.GetFullBaseDirectory"> |
2392 |
2393 |
Get the full base (running) directory for this application including a trailing slash. |
2394 |
From WalletWasabi: |
2395 | |
2396 |
2397 |
<returns>the full running directory path including trailing slash for this application</returns> |
2398 |
2399 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Utilities.ConvertStreamToByteArray(System.IO.Stream)"> |
2400 |
2401 |
Convert a given <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> to a byte array |
2402 |
2403 |
<param name="stream">the <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> to convert</param> |
2404 |
<returns>a byte[] array of the data in the given stream</returns> |
2405 |
2406 |
<member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Utilities.IsSignatureNeeded(NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"> |
2407 |
2408 |
Checks to see whether a signature is ncessary given the provided |
2409 |
info on the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode"/> and whether or not valid |
2410 |
key information exists at the moment. |
2411 |
2412 |
<param name="securityMode">the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode"/> for the signature check</param> |
2413 |
<param name="doesKeyInfoExist">true if the application has appropriate key |
2414 |
information in order to run signature checks; false otherwise</param>
2415 |
<param name="isCheckingSoftwareDownload">True if the caller is checking on the signature of a software |
2416 |
download; false if the caller is checking on the signature of something else (e.g. release notes, |
2417 |
app cast)</param>
2418 |
<returns>true if an item's signature needs to be checked; false otherwise</returns> |
2419 |
2420 |
<member name="T:MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions"> |
2421 |
2422 |
2423 |
2424 |
2425 |
<member name="P:MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions.AutoHyperlink"> |
2426 |
2427 |
when true, (most) bare plain URLs are auto-hyperlinked |
2428 |
WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec |
2429 |
2430 |
2431 |
<member name="P:MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions.AutoNewlines"> |
2432 |
2433 |
when true, RETURN becomes a literal newline |
2434 |
WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec |
2435 |
2436 |
2437 |
<member name="P:MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions.EmptyElementSuffix"> |
2438 |
2439 |
use ">" for HTML output, or " />" for XHTML output |
2440 |
2441 |
2442 |
<member name="P:MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions.EncodeProblemUrlCharacters"> |
2443 |
2444 |
when true, problematic URL characters like [, ], (, and so forth will be encoded |
2445 |
WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec |
2446 |
2447 |
2448 |
<member name="P:MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions.LinkEmails"> |
2449 |
2450 |
when false, email addresses will never be auto-linked |
2451 |
WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec |
2452 |
2453 |
2454 |
<member name="P:MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions.StrictBoldItalic"> |
2455 |
2456 |
when true, bold and italic require non-word characters on either side |
2457 |
WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec |
2458 |
2459 |
2460 |
<member name="T:MarkdownSharp.Markdown"> |
2461 |
2462 |
Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. |
2463 |
Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, |
2464 |
then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML). |
2465 |
2466 |
2467 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.#ctor"> |
2468 |
2469 |
Create a new Markdown instance using default options |
2470 |
2471 |
2472 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.#ctor(System.Boolean)"> |
2473 |
2474 |
Create a new Markdown instance and optionally load options from a configuration |
2475 |
file. There they should be stored in the appSettings section, available options are: |
2476 |
2477 |
Markdown.StrictBoldItalic (true/false) |
2478 |
Markdown.EmptyElementSuffix (">" or " />" without the quotes) |
2479 |
Markdown.LinkEmails (true/false) |
2480 |
Markdown.AutoNewLines (true/false) |
2481 |
Markdown.AutoHyperlink (true/false) |
2482 |
Markdown.EncodeProblemUrlCharacters (true/false) |
2483 |
2484 |
2485 |
2486 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.#ctor(MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions)"> |
2487 |
2488 |
Create a new Markdown instance and set the options from the MarkdownOptions object. |
2489 |
2490 |
2491 |
<member name="P:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.EmptyElementSuffix"> |
2492 |
2493 |
use ">" for HTML output, or " />" for XHTML output |
2494 |
2495 |
2496 |
<member name="P:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.LinkEmails"> |
2497 |
2498 |
when false, email addresses will never be auto-linked |
2499 |
WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec |
2500 |
2501 |
2502 |
<member name="P:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.StrictBoldItalic"> |
2503 |
2504 |
when true, bold and italic require non-word characters on either side |
2505 |
WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec |
2506 |
2507 |
2508 |
<member name="P:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.AutoNewLines"> |
2509 |
2510 |
when true, RETURN becomes a literal newline |
2511 |
WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec |
2512 |
2513 |
2514 |
<member name="P:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.AutoHyperlink"> |
2515 |
2516 |
when true, (most) bare plain URLs are auto-hyperlinked |
2517 |
WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec |
2518 |
2519 |
2520 |
<member name="P:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.EncodeProblemUrlCharacters"> |
2521 |
2522 |
when true, problematic URL characters like [, ], (, and so forth will be encoded |
2523 |
WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec |
2524 |
2525 |
2526 |
<member name="F:MarkdownSharp.Markdown._nestDepth"> |
2527 |
2528 |
maximum nested depth of [] and () supported by the transform; implementation detail |
2529 |
2530 |
2531 |
<member name="F:MarkdownSharp.Markdown._tabWidth"> |
2532 |
2533 |
Tabs are automatically converted to spaces as part of the transform |
2534 |
this constant determines how "wide" those tabs become in spaces |
2535 |
2536 |
2537 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.#cctor"> |
2538 |
2539 |
In the static constuctor we'll initialize what stays the same across all transforms. |
2540 |
2541 |
2542 |
<member name="P:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.Version"> |
2543 |
2544 |
current version of MarkdownSharp; |
2545 |
see for the latest code or to contribute |
2546 |
2547 |
2548 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.Transform(System.String)"> |
2549 |
2550 |
Transforms the provided Markdown-formatted text to HTML; |
2551 |
see |
2552 |
2553 |
2554 |
The order in which other subs are called here is |
2555 |
essential. Link and image substitutions need to happen before |
2556 |
EscapeSpecialChars(), so that any *'s or _'s in the a |
2557 |
and img tags get encoded. |
2558 |
2559 |
2560 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.RunBlockGamut(System.String,System.Boolean)"> |
2561 |
2562 |
Perform transformations that form block-level tags like paragraphs, headers, and list items. |
2563 |
2564 |
2565 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.RunSpanGamut(System.String)"> |
2566 |
2567 |
Perform transformations that occur *within* block-level tags like paragraphs, headers, and list items. |
2568 |
2569 |
2570 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.FormParagraphs(System.String,System.Boolean)"> |
2571 |
2572 |
splits on two or more newlines, to form "paragraphs"; |
2573 |
each paragraph is then unhashed (if it is a hash and unhashing isn't turned off) or wrapped in HTML p tag |
2574 |
2575 |
2576 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.GetNestedBracketsPattern"> |
2577 |
2578 |
Reusable pattern to match balanced [brackets]. See Friedl's |
2579 |
"Mastering Regular Expressions", 2nd Ed., pp. 328-331. |
2580 |
2581 |
2582 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.GetNestedParensPattern"> |
2583 |
2584 |
Reusable pattern to match balanced (parens). See Friedl's |
2585 |
"Mastering Regular Expressions", 2nd Ed., pp. 328-331. |
2586 |
2587 |
2588 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.StripLinkDefinitions(System.String)"> |
2589 |
2590 |
Strips link definitions from text, stores the URLs and titles in hash references. |
2591 |
2592 |
2593 |
^[id]: url "optional title" |
2594 |
2595 |
2596 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.GetBlockPattern"> |
2597 |
2598 |
derived pretty much verbatim from PHP Markdown |
2599 |
2600 |
2601 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.HashHTMLBlocks(System.String)"> |
2602 |
2603 |
replaces any block-level HTML blocks with hash entries |
2604 |
2605 |
2606 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.TokenizeHTML(System.String)"> |
2607 |
2608 |
returns an array of HTML tokens comprising the input string. Each token is |
2609 |
either a tag (possibly with nested, tags contained therein, such |
2610 |
as <a href="<MTFoo>">, or a run of text between tags. Each element of the |
2611 |
array is a two-element array; the first is either 'tag' or 'text'; the second is |
2612 |
the actual value. |
2613 |
2614 |
2615 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoAnchors(System.String)"> |
2616 |
2617 |
Turn Markdown link shortcuts into HTML anchor tags |
2618 |
2619 |
2620 |
[link text](url "title") |
2621 |
[link text][id] |
2622 |
[id] |
2623 |
2624 |
2625 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoImages(System.String)"> |
2626 |
2627 |
Turn Markdown image shortcuts into HTML img tags. |
2628 |
2629 |
2630 |
![alt text][id] |
2631 |
2632 |
2633 |
2634 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoHeaders(System.String)"> |
2635 |
2636 |
Turn Markdown headers into HTML header tags |
2637 |
2638 |
2639 |
Header 1 |
2640 |
======== |
2641 |
2642 |
Header 2 |
2643 |
-------- |
2644 |
2645 |
# Header 1 |
2646 |
## Header 2 |
2647 |
## Header 2 with closing hashes ## |
2648 |
... |
2649 |
###### Header 6 |
2650 |
2651 |
2652 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoHorizontalRules(System.String)"> |
2653 |
2654 |
Turn Markdown horizontal rules into HTML hr tags |
2655 |
2656 |
2657 |
*** |
2658 |
* * * |
2659 |
--- |
2660 |
- - - |
2661 |
2662 |
2663 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoLists(System.String)"> |
2664 |
2665 |
Turn Markdown lists into HTML ul and ol and li tags |
2666 |
2667 |
2668 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.ProcessListItems(System.String,System.String)"> |
2669 |
2670 |
Process the contents of a single ordered or unordered list, splitting it |
2671 |
into individual list items. |
2672 |
2673 |
2674 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoCodeBlocks(System.String)"> |
2675 |
2676 |
/// Turn Markdown 4-space indented code into HTML pre code blocks |
2677 |
2678 |
2679 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoCodeSpans(System.String)"> |
2680 |
2681 |
Turn Markdown `code spans` into HTML code tags |
2682 |
2683 |
2684 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoItalicsAndBold(System.String)"> |
2685 |
2686 |
Turn Markdown *italics* and **bold** into HTML strong and em tags |
2687 |
2688 |
2689 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoHardBreaks(System.String)"> |
2690 |
2691 |
Turn markdown line breaks (two space at end of line) into HTML break tags |
2692 |
2693 |
2694 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoBlockQuotes(System.String)"> |
2695 |
2696 |
Turn Markdown > quoted blocks into HTML blockquote blocks
2697 |
2698 |
2699 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoAutoLinks(System.String)"> |
2700 |
2701 |
Turn angle-delimited URLs into HTML anchor tags |
2702 |
2703 |
2704 |
<> |
2705 |
2706 |
2707 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.Outdent(System.String)"> |
2708 |
2709 |
Remove one level of line-leading spaces |
2710 |
2711 |
2712 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.EncodeEmailAddress(System.String)"> |
2713 |
2714 |
encodes email address randomly |
2715 |
roughly 10% raw, 45% hex, 45% dec |
2716 |
note that @ is always encoded and : never is |
2717 |
2718 |
2719 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.EncodeCode(System.String)"> |
2720 |
2721 |
Encode/escape certain Markdown characters inside code blocks and spans where they are literals |
2722 |
2723 |
2724 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.EncodeAmpsAndAngles(System.String)"> |
2725 |
2726 |
Encode any ampersands (that aren't part of an HTML entity) and left or right angle brackets |
2727 |
2728 |
2729 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.EscapeBackslashes(System.String)"> |
2730 |
2731 |
Encodes any escaped characters such as \`, \*, \[ etc |
2732 |
2733 |
2734 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.Unescape(System.String)"> |
2735 |
2736 |
swap back in all the special characters we've hidden |
2737 |
2738 |
2739 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.EscapeBoldItalic(System.String)"> |
2740 |
2741 |
escapes Bold [ * ] and Italic [ _ ] characters |
2742 |
2743 |
2744 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.EncodeProblemUrlChars(System.String)"> |
2745 |
2746 |
hex-encodes some unusual "problem" chars in URLs to avoid URL detection problems |
2747 |
2748 |
2749 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.EscapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes(System.String)"> |
2750 |
2751 |
Within tags -- meaning between < and > -- encode [\ ` * _] so they |
2752 |
don't conflict with their use in Markdown for code, italics and strong. |
2753 |
We're replacing each such character with its corresponding hash |
2754 |
value; this is likely overkill, but it should prevent us from colliding |
2755 |
with the escape values by accident. |
2756 |
2757 |
2758 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.Normalize(System.String)"> |
2759 |
2760 |
convert all tabs to _tabWidth spaces; |
2761 |
standardizes line endings from DOS (CR LF) or Mac (CR) to UNIX (LF); |
2762 |
makes sure text ends with a couple of newlines; |
2763 |
removes any blank lines (only spaces) in the text |
2764 |
2765 |
2766 |
<member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.RepeatString(System.String,System.Int32)"> |
2767 |
2768 |
this is to emulate what's evailable in PHP |
2769 |
2770 |
2771 |
2772 |