markus / KCOM / Controls / FavoritePanel.xaml @ 7aa36857
이력 | 보기 | 이력해설 | 다운로드 (22.1 KB)
1 | fb80055c | KangIngu | <UserControl x:Class="KCOM.Controls.FavoritePanel" |
2 | xmlns="" |
3 | xmlns:x="" |
4 | xmlns:mc="" |
5 | xmlns:d="" |
6 | xmlns:local="clr-namespace:KCOM.Controls" |
7 | xmlns:converter="clr-namespace:KCOM.Common.Converter" |
8 | xmlns:telerik="" |
9 | mc:Ignorable="d" Background="#f1f1f1" |
10 | d:DesignHeight="900" d:DesignWidth="600"> |
11 | <UserControl.Resources>
12 | <converter:enumStringConverter x:Key="enumStringConverter"/> |
13 | <converter:EnumStringColorConverter x:Key="enumStringColorConverter"/> |
14 | </UserControl.Resources>
15 | <Grid>
16 | <Grid.RowDefinitions>
17 | <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> |
18 | <RowDefinition Height="*"/> |
19 | </Grid.RowDefinitions>
20 | <Border BorderThickness="0,0,0,1" BorderBrush="#e6e6e6" Background="#f5f5f5"> |
21 | <Grid Margin="10"> |
22 | <Grid.RowDefinitions>
23 | <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> |
24 | <RowDefinition Height="*"/> |
25 | <RowDefinition Height="*"/> |
26 | </Grid.RowDefinitions>
27 | <StackPanel Margin="1" Orientation="Horizontal"> |
28 | <Image Width="18" Source="/KCOM;component/Resources/Images/MenuImage/tips.png" /> |
29 | <TextBlock Margin="1" |
30 | VerticalAlignment="Center" |
31 | FontWeight="Bold" |
32 | Foreground="#3d3d3d" |
33 | Text="You can use a double click to go to the page!" /> |
34 | <!--Text="Viewing : double Click !! All Markup Favorite items are Read-only" />-->
35 | |||
36 | </StackPanel>
37 | <Border Grid.Row="1" Margin="0,5" |
38 | BorderBrush="#3d3d3d" |
39 | BorderThickness="0,0,0,0"> |
40 | <Grid>
41 | <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
42 | <ColumnDefinition Width="5*"/> |
43 | <ColumnDefinition Width="5*"/> |
44 | </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
45 | <TextBlock Margin="23,5,5,5" HorizontalAlignment="Right" |
46 | VerticalAlignment="Center" |
47 | 60fe743b | humkyung | Text="Search Type :" /> |
48 | fb80055c | KangIngu | <telerik:RadComboBox x:Name="cbState" |
49 | Grid.Column="1" |
50 | HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" |
51 | HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" |
52 | Loaded="cbState_Loaded" |
53 | SelectedIndex="0" |
54 | SelectionChanged="cbState_SelectionChanged" |
55 | telerik:StyleManager.Theme="Office2016" /> |
56 | </Grid>
57 | </Border>
58 | <Border Grid.Row="2" Margin="0,5" |
59 | BorderBrush="#3d3d3d" |
60 | BorderThickness="0,0,0,0"> |
61 | <Grid>
62 | <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
63 | <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/> |
64 | <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/> |
65 | </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
66 | |||
67 | <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Grid.Column="1"> |
68 | <telerik:RadButton Content="ADD" Padding="5" Background="#3d3d3d" Foreground="White" Margin="5,0" MinWidth="60" x:Name="btnFavoriteReg" Click="FavoriteInternel_Save"/> |
69 | <telerik:RadButton Content="EDIT" Padding="5" Background="#3d3d3d" Foreground="White" Margin="5,0" MinWidth="60" x:Name="btnFavoriteEdit" Click="FavoriteInternel_Edit"/> |
70 | <telerik:RadButton Content="DELETE" Padding="5" Background="#3d3d3d" Foreground="White" Margin="5,0,0,0" MinWidth="60" x:Name="btnFavoriteDel" Click="FavoriteInternel_Del"/> |
71 | </StackPanel>
72 | </Grid>
73 | </Border>
74 | </Grid>
75 | </Border>
76 | <telerik:RadListBox x:Name="lstFavoriteInternal" BorderThickness="0" FontSize="10" ItemsSource="{Binding FavoriteSet}" Margin="0,0" Grid.Row="1" |
77 | Background="#f1f1f1" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" |
78 | ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" SelectedIndex="1" telerik:StyleManager.Theme="Office2013"> |
79 | <telerik:RadListBox.Resources>
80 | <Style TargetType="telerik:RadListBoxItem"> |
81 | <Setter Property="Template"> |
82 | <Setter.Value>
83 | <ControlTemplate TargetType="telerik:RadListBoxItem"> |
84 | <Border Name="Border" Padding="2" SnapsToDevicePixels="True"> |
85 | <ContentPresenter/> |
86 | </Border>
87 | <ControlTemplate.Triggers>
88 | <Trigger Property="IsSelected" Value="true"> |
89 | <!--<Setter TargetName="Border" Property="Background"
90 | Value="{DynamicResource {x:Static SystemColors.HighlightBrushKey}}"/>-->
91 | <Setter TargetName="Border" Property="Background" |
92 | Value="#FFFFFF"/> |
93 | <Setter TargetName="Border" Property="BorderThickness" Value="1"/> |
94 | <Setter TargetName="Border" Property="BorderBrush" Value="#3d3d3d"/> |
95 | </Trigger>
96 | </ControlTemplate.Triggers>
97 | </ControlTemplate>
98 | </Setter.Value>
99 | </Setter>
100 | </Style>
101 | </telerik:RadListBox.Resources>
102 | <telerik:RadListBox.ItemTemplate>
103 | <DataTemplate>
104 | <Grid MouseLeftButtonDown="lstFavoriteInternal_ItemDoubleClickEvent" Margin="0,5" Background="White"> |
105 | <Grid.RowDefinitions>
106 | <RowDefinition Height="30"/> |
107 | <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> |
108 | </Grid.RowDefinitions>
109 | <Border Grid.Row="0" Background="{Binding FLAG, Converter={StaticResource enumStringColorConverter}}"> |
110 | <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center"> |
111 | <TextBlock Text="{Binding FLAG, Converter={StaticResource enumStringConverter}}" Foreground="White" FontWeight="Bold" VerticalAlignment="Center" |
112 | FontSize="12"/> |
113 | <!--<TextBlock Text=" / " Foreground="White" FontWeight="Bold" VerticalAlignment="Center" FontSize="12"/>
114 | <TextBlock Text="{Binding PAGE_NO, StringFormat={}{0} Page}" Foreground="White" FontWeight="Bold" VerticalAlignment="Center" FontSize="12"/>-->
115 | </StackPanel>
116 | </Border>
117 | |||
118 | <Grid Grid.Row="1" Margin="5"> |
119 | <Grid.RowDefinitions>
120 | <RowDefinition/> |
121 | <RowDefinition/> |
122 | <RowDefinition/> |
123 | <RowDefinition/> |
124 | </Grid.RowDefinitions>
125 | <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> |
126 | <!--<TextBlock Text="Doc No : " FontWeight="SemiBold" FontSize="12"/>
127 | <TextBlock Text="{Binding DOCUMENT_NO}" Margin="5,0" FontSize="12"/>-->
128 | </StackPanel>
129 | <Grid Grid.Row="1" Margin="2,5"> |
130 | <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
131 | <ColumnDefinition/> |
132 | <ColumnDefinition/> |
133 | <ColumnDefinition/> |
134 | <ColumnDefinition/> |
135 | </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
136 | <TextBlock Text="Page No : " FontWeight="SemiBold" Grid.Column="0" FontSize="12"/> |
137 | <TextBlock Text="{Binding PAGE_NO}" Margin="5,0" Grid.Column="1" FontSize="12" /> |
138 | <TextBlock Text="Rev No : " FontWeight="SemiBold" Grid.Column="2" FontSize="12"/> |
139 | <TextBlock Text="{Binding REVISION}" Margin="5,0" Grid.Column="3" FontSize="12"/> |
140 | </Grid>
141 | <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Grid.Row="2" Margin="2,5"> |
142 | <TextBlock Text="Description : " FontWeight="SemiBold" FontSize="12"/> |
143 | </StackPanel>
144 | <TextBox Text="{Binding DESCRIPTION}" Margin="2,5" FontSize="12" Grid.Row="3" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" |
145 | TextWrapping="WrapWithOverflow" BorderThickness="0" Background="Transparent" Foreground="Black" IsHitTestVisible="False"/> |
146 | </Grid>
147 | </Grid>
148 | <!--<Grid MouseLeftButtonDown="lstFavoriteInternal_ItemDoubleClickEvent" Margin="0,5">
149 | <Grid.RowDefinitions>
150 | <RowDefinition Height="5*"/>
151 | <RowDefinition Height="5*"/>
152 | </Grid.RowDefinitions>
153 | <Border Grid.Row="0" Margin="5" BorderBrush="#3d3d3d" BorderThickness="0.5">
154 | <Grid>
155 | <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
156 | <ColumnDefinition Width="5*"/>
157 | <ColumnDefinition Width="5*"/>
158 | </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
159 | <Grid.RowDefinitions>
160 | <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
161 | </Grid.RowDefinitions>
162 | <Border>
163 | <Grid>
164 | <Grid.RowDefinitions>
165 | <RowDefinition />
166 | <RowDefinition />
167 | <RowDefinition />
168 | <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
169 | </Grid.RowDefinitions>
170 | <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
171 | <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
172 | <ColumnDefinition />
173 | </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
174 | <TextBlock Margin="3"
175 | VerticalAlignment="Center"
176 | Foreground="#0094FF"
177 | Text="Project" />
178 | <TextBlock Grid.Row="1"
179 | Margin="3"
180 | VerticalAlignment="Center"
181 | Foreground="#0094FF"
182 | Text="SLIP" />
183 | <TextBlock Grid.Row="2"
184 | Margin="3"
185 | VerticalAlignment="Center"
186 | Foreground="#0094FF"
187 | Text="VP" />
188 | <TextBlock Grid.Column="1"
189 | Margin="0,0,0,0"
190 | VerticalAlignment="Center"
191 | Foreground="#3d3d3d"
192 | Text="{Binding PROJECT_NO}" />
193 | <TextBlock Grid.Row="1"
194 | Grid.Column="1"
195 | Margin="0,0,0,0"
196 | VerticalAlignment="Center"
197 | Foreground="#3d3d3d"
198 | Text="{Binding GROUP_NO}" />
199 | <TextBlock Grid.Row="2"
200 | Grid.Column="1"
201 | Margin="0,0,0,0"
202 | VerticalAlignment="Center"
203 | Foreground="#3d3d3d"
204 | Text="{Binding DOCUMENT_NO}" />
205 | </Grid>
206 | </Border>
207 | <Border Grid.Column="1">
208 | <Grid>
209 | <Grid.RowDefinitions>
210 | <RowDefinition />
211 | <RowDefinition />
212 | <RowDefinition />
213 | </Grid.RowDefinitions>
214 | <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
215 | <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
216 | <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
217 | </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
218 | <TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Center"
219 | Foreground="#0094FF"
220 | Text="Scope" />
221 | <TextBlock Grid.Row="1"
222 | VerticalAlignment="Center"
223 | Foreground="#0094FF"
224 | Text="CreateTime" />
225 | -->
226 | <!--
227 | <TextBlock Grid.Row="2"
228 | VerticalAlignment="Center"
229 | Foreground="#0094FF"
230 | Text="REV" />
231 | -->
232 | <!--
233 | |||
234 | <TextBox Grid.Column="1"
235 | Margin="0,0,0,0"
236 | BorderThickness="0" Background="Transparent"
237 | IsHitTestVisible="False"
238 | Text="{Binding FLAG,
239 | Converter={StaticResource enumStringConverter}}"
240 | TextAlignment="Center" />
241 | <TextBlock Grid.Row="1"
242 | Grid.Column="1"
243 | Margin="0,0,0,0"
244 | HorizontalAlignment="Center"
245 | VerticalAlignment="Center"
246 | Foreground="#3d3d3d"
247 | Text="{Binding CREATE_TIME}" />
248 | -->
249 | <!--
250 | <TextBlock Grid.Row="2"
251 | Grid.Column="1"
252 | Margin="0,0,0,0"
253 | HorizontalAlignment="Center"
254 | VerticalAlignment="Center"
255 | Foreground="#3d3d3d"
256 | Text="{Binding RevNo}" />
257 | -->
258 | <!--
259 | |||
260 | <Border Grid.Row="2" Grid.ColumnSpan="2">
261 | <Grid>
262 | <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
263 | <ColumnDefinition />
264 | <ColumnDefinition />
265 | <ColumnDefinition />
266 | <ColumnDefinition />
267 | </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>
268 | |||
269 | <TextBlock Margin="0,0,0,0"
270 | VerticalAlignment="Center"
271 | Foreground="#0094FF"
272 | Text="REV" />
273 | <TextBlock Grid.Column="2"
274 | Margin="0,0,0,0"
275 | VerticalAlignment="Center"
276 | Foreground="#0094FF"
277 | Text="Page" />
278 | <TextBlock Grid.Column="1"
279 | Margin="0,0,0,0"
280 | HorizontalAlignment="Left"
281 | VerticalAlignment="Center"
282 | Foreground="#3d3d3d"
283 | Text="{Binding REVISION}" />
284 | <TextBlock Grid.Column="3"
285 | Margin="0,0,0,0"
286 | HorizontalAlignment="Left"
287 | VerticalAlignment="Center"
288 | Foreground="#3d3d3d"
289 | Text="{Binding PAGE_NO}" />
290 | </Grid>
291 | </Border>
292 | </Grid>
293 | </Border>
294 | </Grid>
295 | </Border>
296 | </Grid>-->
297 | </DataTemplate>
298 | </telerik:RadListBox.ItemTemplate>
299 | |||
300 | </telerik:RadListBox>
301 | </Grid>
302 | </UserControl> |