개정판 92c9cab8
issue #0000 DIG test 오류 수정
Change-Id: If8c0d8e600350c6ac591324d3cc5667a1bc57c5e
KCOM/App.xaml.cs | ||
184 | 184 |
if (e.Args.Count() > 0) |
185 | 185 |
{ |
186 | 186 |
var result = ParamDecoding(e.Args[0].Replace(@"kcom://", "").Replace(@"/", "")); |
187 |
187 | 188 |
App.ViewInfo = new IKCOM.ViewInfo |
188 | 189 |
{ |
189 | 190 |
DocumentItemID = result.DocumentItemID, |
KCOM/Events/Event_KeyEvent.cs | ||
73 | 73 |
74 | 74 |
if (Common.ViewerDataModel.Instance.MarkupControls_USER.Count > 0) |
75 | 75 |
{ |
76 |
/// 전체 선택 시 선택된 토글 해제 |
76 |
var text_item_ = ViewerDataModel.Instance.MarkupControls_USER.Where(data => (data as TextControl) != null && (data as TextControl).IsEditingMode == true).FirstOrDefault(); |
77 |
if (text_item_ != null) |
78 |
{ |
79 |
(text_item_ as TextControl).Base_TextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; |
80 |
(text_item_ as TextControl).Base_TextBox.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; |
81 |
(text_item_ as TextControl).UnEditingMode(); |
82 |
83 |
SelectionSet.Instance.UnSelect(ViewerDataModel.Instance.SystemMain.dzMainMenu); |
84 |
} |
85 |
86 |
var Arrowtext_item_ = ViewerDataModel.Instance.MarkupControls_USER.Where(data => (data as ArrowTextControl) != null && (data as ArrowTextControl).IsEditingMode == true).FirstOrDefault(); |
87 |
if (Arrowtext_item_ != null && ((Arrowtext_item_ as ArrowTextControl).IsNew == false)) |
88 |
{ |
89 |
(Arrowtext_item_ as ArrowTextControl).IsEditingMode = false; |
90 |
(Arrowtext_item_ as ArrowTextControl).Base_TextBox.Focusable = false; |
91 |
(Arrowtext_item_ as ArrowTextControl).UnEditingMode(); |
92 |
93 |
SelectionSet.Instance.UnSelect(ViewerDataModel.Instance.SystemMain.dzMainMenu); |
94 |
} |
95 |
96 |
/// 전체 선택 시 선택된 토글 해제 |
77 | 97 |
var TogList = this.dzTopMenu.Parent.ChildrenOfType<RadToggleButton>(); |
78 | 98 |
this.dzMainMenu.controlType = MarkupToPDF.Controls.Common.ControlType.None; |
79 | 99 |
this.dzMainMenu.mouseHandlingMode = IKCOM.MouseHandlingMode.None; |
80 | 100 |
81 |
/// 컨트롤을 그리는 도중일 경우 컨트롤 삭제 |
82 |
ViewerDataModel.Instance.MarkupControls_USER.Remove(this.dzMainMenu.currentControl); |
101 |
if (text_item_ == null && Arrowtext_item_ == null) |
102 |
{ |
103 |
/// 컨트롤을 그리는 도중일 경우 컨트롤 삭제 |
104 |
ViewerDataModel.Instance.MarkupControls_USER.Remove(this.dzMainMenu.currentControl); |
105 |
} |
106 |
83 | 107 |
this.dzMainMenu.currentControl = null; |
84 | 108 |
85 | 109 |
foreach (var tog in TogList) |
KCOM/KCOM.csproj.user | ||
117 | 117 |
</PropertyGroup> |
118 | 118 |
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug_DIG|x64'"> |
119 | 119 |
<StartProgram>C:\Program Files\DOFTECH\MARKUS\KCOM.exe</StartProgram> |
120 |
120 |
121 | 121 |
</PropertyGroup> |
122 | 122 |
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug_DIG|x86'"> |
123 | 123 |
<StartArguments>eyJEb2N1bWVudEl0ZW1JRCI6IjExMDAwMTAyIiwiYlBhcnRuZXIiOmZhbHNlLCJDcmVhdGVGaW5hbFBERlBlcm1pc3Npb24iOiJ0cnVlIiwiTmV3Q29tbWVudFBlcm1pc3Npb24iOiJ0cnVlIiwiUHJvamVjdE5PIjoiMDAwMDAwIiwiVXNlcklEIjoiSmFtZXMiLCJNb2RlIjowfQ==/</StartArguments> |
KCOM/MARKUS.ini | ||
41 | 41 |
[GetImageResourceFailed] |
42 | 42 |
MSG=7ZW064u5IOusuOyEnOydmCB7MH0gUGFnZSBDb252ZXJ06rCAIOygleyDgeyggeydtOyngCDslYrsirXri4jri6QuIOq0gOumrOyekOyXkOqyjCDrrLjsnZjtlbQg7KO87IS47JqULg== |
43 | 43 |
44 |
[DocumentDownloadPath] |
45 |
url=FULL |
44 | 46 |
45 | 47 |
46 | 48 |
IsDocumentHistory = false |
KCOM/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | ||
51 | 51 |
// 모든 값을 지정하거나 아래와 같이 '*'를 사용하여 빌드 번호 및 수정 번호가 자동으로 |
52 | 52 |
// 지정되도록 할 수 있습니다. |
53 | 53 |
// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] |
54 |
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
55 |
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
54 |
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
55 |
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
56 | 56 |
[assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile = "Log.config", Watch = true)] |
KCOM/Properties/app.manifest | ||
46 | 46 |
않습니다. WPF(Windows Presentation Foundation) 응용 프로그램은 자동으로 DPI를 인식하며 |
47 | 47 |
옵트인할 필요가 없습니다. 이 설정으로 옵트인하며 .NET Framework 4.6을 대상으로 하는 |
48 | 48 |
Windows Forms 응용 프로그램은 app.config에서 'EnableWindowsFormsHighDpiAutoResizing' 설정도 'true'로 지정합니다. --> |
49 |
<!-- |
49 |
50 | 50 |
<application xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"> |
51 | 51 |
<windowsSettings> |
52 | 52 |
<dpiAware xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2005/WindowsSettings">true</dpiAware> |
53 | 53 |
</windowsSettings> |
54 | 54 |
</application> |
55 |
--> |
55 |
56 | 56 |
<!-- Windows 공용 컨트롤 및 대화 상자의 테마 사용(Windows XP 이상) --> |
57 | 57 |
<!-- |
58 | 58 |
<dependency> |
KCOM/Views/MainMenu.xaml.cs | ||
529 | 529 |
530 | 530 |
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(directUri)) |
531 | 531 |
{ |
532 |
isRestDownload = true; |
533 |
filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(this._DocInfo.ORIGINAL_FILE); |
532 |
if (directUri == "FULL") |
533 |
{ |
534 |
downloadurl = this._DocInfo.ORIGINAL_FILE; |
535 |
} |
536 |
else |
537 |
{ |
538 |
isRestDownload = true; |
539 |
filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(this._DocInfo.ORIGINAL_FILE); |
534 | 540 |
535 |
downloadurl = string.Format(directUri, filename); |
541 |
downloadurl = string.Format(directUri, filename); |
542 |
} |
536 | 543 |
} |
537 | 544 |
else |
538 | 545 |
{ |
... | ... | |
6213 | 6220 |
{ |
6214 | 6221 |
if (checkbox.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault()) |
6215 | 6222 |
{ |
6216 |
gridViewMarkup.SelectAll(); |
6223 |
if (!App.ViewInfo.CreateFinalPDFPermission && App.ViewInfo.NewCommentPermission) |
6224 |
{ |
6225 |
var currentItem = gridViewMarkup.Items.OfType<IKCOM.MarkupInfoItem>().Where(x => x.UserID == App.ViewInfo.UserID); |
6226 |
6227 |
if (currentItem.Count() > 0) |
6228 |
{ |
6229 |
foreach (var item in gridViewMarkup.Items.OfType<IKCOM.MarkupInfoItem>()) |
6230 |
{ |
6231 |
if (item.Consolidate == 0 && item.Depatment == currentItem.First().Depatment) |
6232 |
{ |
6233 |
gridViewMarkup.SelectedItems.Add(item); |
6234 |
} |
6235 |
} |
6236 |
} |
6237 |
} |
6238 |
else |
6239 |
{ |
6240 |
gridViewMarkup.SelectAll(); |
6241 |
} |
6217 | 6242 |
} |
6218 | 6243 |
else |
6219 | 6244 |
{ |
KCOM_API/Web.config | ||
49 | 49 |
<trace autoflush="false"/> |
50 | 50 |
</system.diagnostics>--> |
51 | 51 |
<connectionStrings> |
52 |
<!--효성 Connection String--> |
53 | 52 |
<add name="ConnectionString" |
54 |
connectionString="metadata=res://*/DataModel.KCOM_Model.csdl|res://*/DataModel.KCOM_Model.ssdl|res://*/DataModel.KCOM_Model.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="data source=,14950;initial catalog=markus;persist security info=True;user id=doftech;password=gasadmin1!;multipleactiveresultsets=True;App=EntityFramework""
53 |
connectionString="metadata=res://*/DataModel.KCOM_Model.csdl|res://*/DataModel.KCOM_Model.ssdl|res://*/DataModel.KCOM_Model.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="data source=cloud.devdoftech.co.kr,7777;initial catalog=markus;persist security info=True;user id=doftech;password=dof1073#;multipleactiveresultsets=True;App=EntityFramework""
55 | 54 |
providerName="System.Data.EntityClient"/> |
56 | 55 |
<add name="CIConnectionString" |
57 |
connectionString="metadata=res://*/DataModel.CIModel.csdl|res://*/DataModel.CIModel.ssdl|res://*/DataModel.CIModel.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="data source=,14950;initial catalog=markus;persist security info=True;user id=doftech;password=gasadmin1!;multipleactiveresultsets=True;App=EntityFramework""
56 |
connectionString="metadata=res://*/DataModel.CIModel.csdl|res://*/DataModel.CIModel.ssdl|res://*/DataModel.CIModel.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="data source=cloud.devdoftech.co.kr,7777;initial catalog=markus;persist security info=True;user id=doftech;password=dof1073#;multipleactiveresultsets=True;App=EntityFramework""
58 | 57 |
providerName="System.Data.EntityClient"/> |
59 | 58 |
</connectionStrings> |
60 | 59 |
<!-- |
... | ... | |
172 | 171 |
<applicationSettings> |
173 | 172 |
<KCOM_API.Properties.Settings> |
174 | 173 |
<setting name="TileSoucePath" serializeAs="String"> |
175 |
174 |
176 | 175 |
</setting> |
177 | 176 |
<setting name="TileSoucePath_SUB" serializeAs="String"> |
178 |
177 |
179 | 178 |
</setting> |
180 | 179 |
<setting name="IsProjectNoPass" serializeAs="String"> |
181 | 180 |
<value>True</value> |
182 | 181 |
</setting> |
183 | 182 |
<setting name="FinalService" serializeAs="String"> |
184 |
183 |
185 | 184 |
</setting> |
186 | 185 |
</KCOM_API.Properties.Settings> |
187 | 186 |
</applicationSettings> |
MarkupToPDF/Controls/Polygon/CloudControl.cs | ||
582 | 582 |
} |
583 | 583 |
else |
584 | 584 |
{ |
585 |
Base_CloudPath.Fill = HatchMake.CreateHatchBrush(this.StrokeColor, this.LineSize * 0.1); |
586 |
Base_CloudSubPath.Fill = HatchMake.CreateHatchBrush(this.StrokeColor, this.LineSize * 0.1); |
585 |
var size = this.LineSize > 5 ? 5 : this.LineSize; |
586 |
Base_CloudPath.Fill = HatchMake.CreateHatchBrush(this.StrokeColor, size * 0.1); |
587 |
Base_CloudSubPath.Fill = HatchMake.CreateHatchBrush(this.StrokeColor, size * 0.1); |
587 | 588 |
Base_CloudSubPath.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent); |
588 | 589 |
} |
589 | 590 |
} |
MarkupToPDF/Controls/Polygon/InkControl.cs | ||
520 | 520 |
break; |
521 | 521 |
case PaintSet.Hatch: |
522 | 522 |
{ |
523 |
Base_PolyPath.Fill = HatchMake.CreateHatchBrush(this.StrokeColor, this.LineSize * 0.1); |
523 |
var size = this.LineSize > 5 ? 5 : this.LineSize; |
524 |
Base_PolyPath.Fill = HatchMake.CreateHatchBrush(this.StrokeColor, size * 0.1); |
524 | 525 |
} |
525 | 526 |
break; |
526 | 527 |
default: |
MarkupToPDF/Controls/Polygon/PolygonControl.cs | ||
464 | 464 |
break; |
465 | 465 |
case PaintSet.Hatch: |
466 | 466 |
{ |
467 |
Base_PolyPath.Fill = HatchMake.CreateHatchBrush(this.StrokeColor, this.LineSize * 0.1); |
467 |
var size = this.LineSize > 5 ? 5 : this.LineSize; |
468 |
Base_PolyPath.Fill = HatchMake.CreateHatchBrush(this.StrokeColor, 3 * 0.1); |
468 | 469 |
} |
469 | 470 |
break; |
470 | 471 |
default: |
MarkusAutoUpdate/src/NetSparkle.Samples.NetFramework.WPF/MARKUS.ini | ||
42 | 42 |
BASE=5979:5979 |
43 | 43 |
[GetImageResourceFailed] |
44 | 44 |
MSG=7ZW064u5IOusuOyEnOydmCB7MH0gUGFnZSBDb252ZXJ06rCAIOygleyDgeyggeydtOyngCDslYrsirXri4jri6QuIOq0gOumrOyekOyXkOqyjCDrrLjsnZjtlbQg7KO87IS47JqULg== |
45 |
46 |
[DocumentDownloadPath] |
47 |
url=FULL |
MarkusAutoUpdate/src/NetSparkle.Samples.NetFramework.WPF/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | ||
51 | 51 |
// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers |
52 | 52 |
// by using the '*' as shown below: |
53 | 53 |
// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] |
54 |
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
55 |
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
54 |
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
55 |
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
56 | 56 |
[assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile = "Log.config", Watch = true)] |
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