


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

markus / KCOM / Controls @ 930c5fee

이름 크기
AdornerFinal.xaml 11.4 KB
AdornerFinal.xaml.cs 114 KB
AdornerFinal.xaml.cs.bak 150 KB
Alert.xaml 1.35 KB
Alert.xaml.cs 1.09 KB
CadResultViewer.xaml 1.82 KB
CadResultViewer.xaml.cs 5.29 KB
CadViewer.xaml 6.54 KB
CadViewer.xaml.cs 7.32 KB
CalendarControl.xaml 1.93 KB
CalendarControl.xaml.cs 827 Bytes
CheckList.xaml 26.6 KB
CheckList.xaml.cs 55.9 KB
CheckList.xaml.cs.bak 26.1 KB
CheckList_Detail.xaml 5.19 KB
CheckList_Detail.xaml.cs 3.17 KB
CheckList_Status.xaml 2.37 KB
CheckList_Status.xaml.cs 1.39 KB
CommantImage.xaml 890 Bytes
CommantImage.xaml.cs 1.38 KB
CustomImage1.xaml 575 Bytes
CustomImage1.xaml.cs 4.56 KB
CustomImage2.xaml 562 Bytes
CustomImage2.xaml.cs 4.61 KB
Explorer.xaml 41.1 KB
Explorer.xaml.cs 841 Bytes
FavoritePanel.xaml 22.1 KB
FavoritePanel.xaml.cs 13.9 KB
MarkupColorList.xaml 563 Bytes
MarkupColorList.xaml.cs 2.32 KB
OdActivationInfo.cs 2.03 KB
PageNavigator.xaml 39.1 KB
PageNavigator.xaml.cs 7.38 KB
Panorama.xaml 5.2 KB
Panorama.xaml.cs 3.06 KB
PrintControl.xaml 24.7 KB
PrintControl.xaml.cs 36.6 KB
PrintControl.xaml.cs.bak 34.5 KB
Sample.xaml 46.4 KB
Sample.xaml.cs 44.5 KB
Sample.xaml.cs.bak 30.8 KB
SearchPanel.xaml 5.75 KB
SearchPanel.xaml.cs 12.5 KB
Symbol.xaml 10.4 KB
Symbol.xaml.cs 41.7 KB
SymbolPrompt.xaml 2.16 KB
SymbolPrompt.xaml.cs 1.32 KB
TeighaD3DImage.cs 42.3 KB
TeighaD3DImageResult.cs 41.7 KB
addToFavoriteWindow_Internal.xaml 3.43 KB
addToFavoriteWindow_Internal.xaml.cs 5.16 KB
cadPanel.xaml 5.58 KB
cadPanel.xaml.cs 5.79 KB
editToFavoriteWindow_Internal.xaml 543 Bytes
editToFavoriteWindow_Internal.xaml.cs 932 Bytes
test.xaml 5.94 KB
test.xaml.cs 4.17 KB
thumbnailControl.xaml 4.2 KB
thumbnailControl.xaml.bak 2.44 KB
thumbnailControl.xaml.cs 630 Bytes

최근 개정판

# 날짜 저자 설명
d62c0439 2019/06/15 03:44 백흠경

issue #923: remove undo after selecting item, fixed multi selection logic

Change-Id: Id2a6e63336747aeaf3337218f5e2e3b35fba5dfa

d128ceb2 2019/06/14 08:10 백흠경

issue #923: add UndoCommand

Change-Id: I7bb9cf1d4276c75e50906b7f4672433afc233e15

077896be 2019/06/12 21:08 백흠경

issue #534: Add UnSelect and SelectItemByRect method to SelectionSet

Change-Id: If006b652c6e29b07dab7db68213424a0ac2721dd

91efe37a 2019/06/12 19:44 백흠경

issue #534: Add ItemRect property to all of controls

Change-Id: Id0d640b9fd9959615758b5e55b499f97d6f38dae

24678e06 2019/06/11 22:46 백흠경

issue #000: Add Commons.cs file

Change-Id: I14ae2a26673890b4be08a1c989faf570629ad3d1

de6499db 2019/06/11 19:45 백흠경

issue #999: rename Save.cs to SaveCommand.cs

Change-Id: I92582328e6335a5ca7de684dbeeba521b72e3c76

5529d2a2 2019/06/10 08:05 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/MARKUS

  1. Conflicts:
  2. MarkupToPDF/Common/GetUserSign.cs
  3. MarkupToPDF/Controls/Cad/ClipWhiteControlcs.cs
  4. MarkupToPDF/Controls/Cad/CoordinateControl.cs
  5. MarkupToPDF/Controls/Cad/InsideWhiteControlcs.cs...
661b7416 2019/06/10 06:34 백흠경

issue #999: Add FromString to all of controls

Change-Id: I64093e34a5f9e8d367cbed769ff4db8d7472cb7a

e52385b9 2019/06/10 03:01 이지연

issue #000: BaseClientAddress MARKUS.ini File로 통합

Change-Id: I05d621ff60251bb08eb9c165e1309f4dff65a111

d4e73fc9 2019/06/10 01:12 백흠경

Merge "issue #999: Add serialize method to all of controls"

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