


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

markus / KCOM / Controls @ 959b3ef2

이름 크기
AdornerFinal.xaml 11.4 KB
AdornerFinal.xaml.cs 115 KB
AdornerFinal.xaml.cs.bak 150 KB
Alert.xaml 1.35 KB
Alert.xaml.cs 1.09 KB
CadResultViewer.xaml 1.82 KB
CadResultViewer.xaml.cs 5.29 KB
CadViewer.xaml 6.54 KB
CadViewer.xaml.cs 7.32 KB
CalendarControl.xaml 1.93 KB
CalendarControl.xaml.cs 827 Bytes
CheckList.xaml 26.6 KB
CheckList.xaml.cs 56 KB
CheckList.xaml.cs.bak 26.1 KB
CheckList_Detail.xaml 5.19 KB
CheckList_Detail.xaml.cs 3.17 KB
CheckList_Status.xaml 2.37 KB
CheckList_Status.xaml.cs 1.39 KB
CommantImage.xaml 890 Bytes
CommantImage.xaml.cs 1.38 KB
CustomImage1.xaml 575 Bytes
CustomImage1.xaml.cs 4.56 KB
CustomImage2.xaml 562 Bytes
CustomImage2.xaml.cs 4.61 KB
Explorer.xaml 41.1 KB
Explorer.xaml.cs 841 Bytes
FavoritePanel.xaml 22.1 KB
FavoritePanel.xaml.cs 13.9 KB
MarkupColorList.xaml 563 Bytes
MarkupColorList.xaml.cs 2.32 KB
OdActivationInfo.cs 2.03 KB
PageNavigator.xaml 39.1 KB
PageNavigator.xaml.cs 7.38 KB
Panorama.xaml 5.2 KB
Panorama.xaml.cs 3.06 KB
PrintControl.xaml 24.7 KB
PrintControl.xaml.cs 36.6 KB
PrintControl.xaml.cs.bak 34.5 KB
Sample.xaml 46.4 KB
Sample.xaml.cs 44.5 KB
Sample.xaml.cs.bak 30.8 KB
SearchPanel.xaml 5.75 KB
SearchPanel.xaml.cs 12.5 KB
Symbol.xaml 10.4 KB
Symbol.xaml.cs 41.7 KB
SymbolPrompt.xaml 2.16 KB
SymbolPrompt.xaml.cs 1.32 KB
TeighaD3DImage.cs 42.3 KB
TeighaD3DImageResult.cs 41.7 KB
addToFavoriteWindow_Internal.xaml 3.43 KB
addToFavoriteWindow_Internal.xaml.cs 5.16 KB
cadPanel.xaml 5.58 KB
cadPanel.xaml.cs 5.79 KB
editToFavoriteWindow_Internal.xaml 543 Bytes
editToFavoriteWindow_Internal.xaml.cs 932 Bytes
test.xaml 5.94 KB
test.xaml.cs 4.17 KB
thumbnailControl.xaml 4.2 KB
thumbnailControl.xaml.bak 2.44 KB
thumbnailControl.xaml.cs 630 Bytes

최근 개정판

# 날짜 저자 설명
5529d2a2 2019/06/10 08:05 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/MARKUS

  1. Conflicts:
  2. MarkupToPDF/Common/GetUserSign.cs
  3. MarkupToPDF/Controls/Cad/ClipWhiteControlcs.cs
  4. MarkupToPDF/Controls/Cad/CoordinateControl.cs
  5. MarkupToPDF/Controls/Cad/InsideWhiteControlcs.cs...
661b7416 2019/06/10 06:34 백흠경

issue #999: Add FromString to all of controls

Change-Id: I64093e34a5f9e8d367cbed769ff4db8d7472cb7a

e52385b9 2019/06/10 03:01 이지연

issue #000: BaseClientAddress MARKUS.ini File로 통합

Change-Id: I05d621ff60251bb08eb9c165e1309f4dff65a111

d4e73fc9 2019/06/10 01:12 백흠경

Merge "issue #999: Add serialize method to all of controls"

036650a0 2019/06/10 01:12 백흠경

issue #999: Add serialize method to all of controls

Change-Id: I74e404885e8cd107b48ad1921e768137ed14a3da

c73426a9 2019/06/09 22:28 이지연

issue #926 이미지생성오류(imagecontrol, 외부이미지붙여넣기, symbol)

Change-Id: I5376bab4a5bff122eee8e0f38aa49b0e64d18c0b

90e7968d 2019/05/28 04:19 이지연

issue #000: daelim source compare 중

Change-Id: I010a1b75dae4b786e1c2a51a34c923eafd384667

29010418 2019/05/27 22:12 이지연

issue #000: daelim source compare 중

Change-Id: Icba4b84746c71502e895fde47f4c14f82b179230

122914ba 2019/05/22 22:16 이지연

issue #000: PageChange 속도 check 상세 log 추가

Change-Id: I2fb31563f35b2c84696aec3f93641435bc91acf7

548c696e 2019/05/22 00:20 이지연

issue #000 page 이동 시 속도 체크를 위해 log 추가

Change-Id: Ie1af198c155edc20b898e005846314ec9f955d09

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