markus / TEST_WPF / bin / Debug / Leadtools.Svg.xml @ b200de5a
이력 | 보기 | 이력해설 | 다운로드 (44.5 KB)
1 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <doc>
3 | <assembly>
4 | <name>Leadtools.Svg</name> |
5 | </assembly>
6 | <members>
7 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri"> |
8 | <summary>Represents a data URI object.</summary> |
9 | </member>
10 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.#ctor"> |
11 | <summary>Creates a new instance of SvgDataUri.</summary> |
12 | </member>
13 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.DecodeToFile(System.String)"> |
14 | <summary>Saves the image data in this data URI object to a file on disk.</summary> |
15 | <param name="fileName">Output file name</param> |
16 | </member>
17 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.DecodeToStream(System.IO.Stream)"> |
18 | <summary>Saves the image data in this data URI object to a stream.</summary> |
19 | <param name="stream">Output stream</param> |
20 | </member>
21 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.EncodeFromFile(System.String)"> |
22 | <summary>Creates a standard data URI from an image in a disk file.</summary> |
23 | <param name="fileName">Name of a file on disk containing an image file. Supported image formats are PNG, GIF and JPEG. All other image formats will result in an error.</param> |
24 | <returns>A data URI string containing the media type, encoding and image data encoded as base 64.</returns> |
25 | </member>
26 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.EncodeFromStream(System.IO.Stream)"> |
27 | <summary>Creates a standard data URI from an image file in a stream.</summary> |
28 | <param name="stream">Stream containing an image file. Supported image formats are PNG, GIF and JPEG. All other image formats will result in an error.</param> |
29 | <returns>A data URI string containing the media type, encoding and image data encoded as base 64.</returns> |
30 | </member>
31 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.Parse(System.String)"> |
32 | <summary>Parses the values of a data URI from an href string.</summary> |
33 | <param name="href">The href value as a string.</param> |
34 | <returns>Object that contains the parsed values.</returns> |
35 | </member>
36 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.CharSetLength"> |
37 | <summary>The length of the character set value in the href.</summary> |
38 | <value>The length of the character set value in Href if it contains a valid data URI; otherwise, **0** if Href does contain a valid data URI or if the optional value is missing.</value> |
39 | </member>
40 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.CharSetOffset"> |
41 | <summary>The offset into where the character set value starts in the href.</summary> |
42 | <value>The character offset into where the character set value starts in Href if it contains a valid data URI; otherwise, **-1** if Href does contain a valid data URI or if the optional value is missing.</value> |
43 | </member>
44 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.Extension"> |
45 | <summary>The common file extension of the image data in the href.</summary> |
46 | <value>The common file extension of the image data in Href if it contains a valid data URI; otherwise, **null** if Href does contain a valid data URI or if the optional value is missing.</value> |
47 | </member>
48 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.Href"> |
49 | <summary>The href data</summary> |
50 | <value>The href data as a raw string.</value> |
51 | </member>
52 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.ImageFormat"> |
53 | <summary>The LEADTOOLS image format that corresponds to the image data in the href.</summary> |
54 | <value>The LEADTOOLS image format that corresponds to the image data in Href if it contains a valid data URI; otherwise, RasterImageFormat.Unknown if Href does not contain a valid data URI or if the optional value is missing.</value> |
55 | </member>
56 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.IsBase64"> |
57 | <summary>Indicates whether the value is encoded as a base 64 string.</summary> |
58 | <value>**true** if the value is encoded as a base 64 string; otherwise, **false** if the data is not encoded as a base 64 string or if Href does not contain a valid data URI.</value> |
59 | </member>
60 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.IsDataUri"> |
61 | <summary>Indicates whether the href value contains a valid data URI object.</summary> |
62 | <value>**true** if Href contains a valid data URI object and the rest of the parameters are valid; otherwise, **false**.</value> |
63 | </member>
64 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.MediaLength"> |
65 | <summary>The length of the media type value in the href.</summary> |
66 | <value>The length of the media type value in an Href if it contains a valid data URI; otherwise, **0** if Href does contain a valid data URI or if the optional value is missing.</value> |
67 | </member>
68 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.MediaOffset"> |
69 | <summary>The offset into where the media type value starts in the href.</summary> |
70 | <value>The character offset into where the media type value starts in Href if it contains a valid data URI; otherwise, **-1** if Href does contain a valid data URI or if the optional value is missing.</value> |
71 | </member>
72 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.ValueLength"> |
73 | <summary>The length of the image data value in the href.</summary> |
74 | <value>The length of the image data value in Href if it contains a valid data URI; otherwise, **0** if Href does contain a valid data URI or if the optional value is missing.</value> |
75 | </member>
76 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDataUri.ValueOffset"> |
77 | <summary>The offset into where the image data value starts in the href.</summary> |
78 | <value>The character offset into where the image data value starts in Href if it contains a valid data URI; otherwise, **-1** if Href does contain a valid data URI or if the optional value is missing.</value> |
79 | </member>
80 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument"> |
81 | <summary>Represents a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) document.</summary> |
82 | </member>
83 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.#ctor(SerializationInfo,StreamingContext)"> |
84 | <summary>This constructor is required by System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable</summary> |
85 | <param name="info">The data needed to serialize or deserialize an object.</param> |
86 | <param name="context">The source and destination of a given serialized stream.</param> |
87 | </member>
88 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.AddElementIDs"> |
89 | <summary>Adds unique IDs to the elements of this SvgDocument.</summary> |
90 | </member>
91 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.BeginRenderOptimize"> |
92 | <summary>Optimizes the document for rendering.</summary> |
93 | </member>
94 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.BeginUpdate"> |
95 | <summary>Begins a process to update the elements (nodes) of an SVG document.</summary> |
96 | </member>
97 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.CalculateBounds(System.Boolean)"> |
98 | <summary>Calculates the physical (pixel) bounds and resolution of this SvgDocument.</summary> |
99 | <param name="trimmed"></param> |
100 | </member>
101 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.Clone"> |
102 | <summary>Creates an exact copy of this SvgDocument.</summary> |
103 | <returns>The SvgDocument object this method creates.</returns> |
104 | </member>
105 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.EndRenderOptimize"> |
106 | <summary>Clears the rendering optimization data.</summary> |
107 | </member>
108 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.EndUpdate"> |
109 | <summary>Ends a process that updates the elements (nodes) of an SVG document.</summary> |
110 | </member>
111 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.EnumerateElements(Leadtools.Svg.SvgEnumerateOptions,Leadtools.Svg.SvgEnumerateElementsCallback,System.Object)"> |
112 | <summary>Enumerates the elements (nodes) of this SvgDocument with the specified options.</summary> |
113 | <param name="options">Options to use. Can be **null**.</param> |
114 | <param name="callback">Callback to receive the elements (nodes). Cannot be **null**.</param> |
115 | <param name="userData">Optional user data that will be passed to the callback.</param> |
116 | </member>
117 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.Flat(Leadtools.Svg.SvgFlatOptions)"> |
118 | <summary>Flattens this SvgDocument.</summary> |
119 | <param name="options">The flat options to use. This can be **null**.</param> |
120 | </member>
121 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo,StreamingContext)"> |
122 | <summary>Populates a specified System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize this object.</summary> |
123 | <param name="info">The System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo to populate with data.</param> |
124 | <param name="context">The contextual information about the source or destination of the serialization.</param> |
125 | </member>
126 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.HasElement(Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType)"> |
127 | <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether this SVG document contains any elements of the specified type.</summary> |
128 | <param name="elementType">Element type to search.</param> |
129 | <returns>Target Platforms</returns> |
130 | </member>
131 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.LoadFromFile(System.String,Leadtools.Svg.SvgLoadOptions)"> |
132 | <summary>Creates an SvgDocument object from an SVG file on disk.</summary> |
133 | <param name="fileName">Path to the SVG file on disk</param> |
134 | <param name="options">Options to use during load. If this parameter is **null**, then a default SvgLoadOptions object will be used.</param> |
135 | <returns>The SvgDocument object this method creates.</returns> |
136 | </member>
137 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.LoadFromMemory(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32,Leadtools.Svg.SvgLoadOptions)"> |
138 | <summary>Creates an SvgDocument object from data saved in a memory buffer.</summary> |
139 | <param name="buffer">Buffer containing the SVG data.</param> |
140 | <param name="offset">0-based offset into the \buffer\ where the data begins.</param> |
141 | <param name="length">Number of bytes to read.</param> |
142 | <param name="options">Options to use during load. If this parameter is **null**, then a default SvgLoadOptions object will be used.</param> |
143 | <returns>The SvgDocument object this method creates.</returns> |
144 | </member>
145 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.LoadFromStream(System.IO.Stream,Leadtools.Svg.SvgLoadOptions)"> |
146 | <summary>Creates an SvgDocument object from a stream containing SVG data.</summary> |
147 | <param name="stream">The stream containing SVG data</param> |
148 | <param name="options">Options to use during load. If this parameter is **null**, then a default SvgLoadOptions object will be used.</param> |
149 | <returns>The SvgDocument object this method creates.</returns> |
150 | </member>
151 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.MergeWith(Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument,Leadtools.Svg.SvgMergeOptions)"> |
152 | <summary>Merges the content of this SVG document with the element of a source document. Stores the result in this SVG document.</summary> |
153 | <param name="document">The source document. The elements of this document will be merged with the current SVG document. This value cannot be **null**.</param> |
154 | <param name="options">Options used during conversion, specifying which elements to drop from the source or destination document during the merge operation. If this value is **null**, then all the elements from the source and destination documents are merged.</param> |
155 | </member>
156 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.OptimizeView"> |
157 | <summary>For internal use.</summary> |
158 | </member>
159 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.Rasterize(Leadtools.RasterImage,Leadtools.Svg.SvgRenderOptions)"> |
160 | <summary>Renders this SvgDocument to the surface of a LEADTOOLS Leadtools.RasterImage object.</summary> |
161 | <param name="image">The target image. This must be a valid Leadtools.RasterImage object that is allocated and ready to use. Cannot be **null**.</param> |
162 | <param name="options">Options to use during rendering. Can be **null**.</param> |
163 | </member>
164 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.Render(Leadtools.IRenderingEngine,Leadtools.Svg.SvgRenderOptions)"> |
165 | <summary>Renders this SvgDocument to an output engine.</summary> |
166 | <param name="engine">Rendering engine to use for the target device. Cannot be **null**.</param> |
167 | <param name="options">Options to use during rendering. Can be **null**.</param> |
168 | </member>
169 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.Resize(System.Double)"> |
170 | <summary>Resizes this SVG document by the specified factor.</summary> |
171 | <param name="scaleFactor">Factor to use. This value must not be 0.</param> |
172 | </member>
173 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.SaveToFile(System.String,Leadtools.Svg.SvgSaveOptions)"> |
174 | <summary>Saves this SvgDocument to a disk file.</summary> |
175 | <param name="fileName">Output file name.</param> |
176 | <param name="options">Save option. Can be **null**.</param> |
177 | </member>
178 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.SaveToStream(System.IO.Stream,Leadtools.Svg.SvgSaveOptions)"> |
179 | <summary>Saves this SvgDocument to a stream.</summary> |
180 | <param name="stream">Output stream.</param> |
181 | <param name="options">Save option. Can be **null**.</param> |
182 | </member>
183 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.SetBounds(Leadtools.Svg.SvgBounds)"> |
184 | <summary>Sets the physical (pixel) bounds of this SvgDocument manually</summary> |
185 | <param name="bounds">The bounds to use.</param> |
186 | </member>
187 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.SetFlat(System.Boolean)"> |
188 | <summary>Sets the flat flag of this document.</summary> |
189 | <param name="value"></param> |
190 | </member>
191 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.SortElements(Leadtools.Svg.SvgSortOptions,Leadtools.Svg.SvgSortElementsCallback,System.Object)"> |
192 | <summary>Enumerates the elements of this SvgDocument in a sorted manner.</summary> |
193 | <param name="options">Options to use. Can be **null**.</param> |
194 | <param name="callback">Callback to receive the sorted elements. Cannot be **null**.</param> |
195 | <param name="userData">Optional user data that will be passed to the callback.</param> |
196 | </member>
197 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.ToFlat(Leadtools.Svg.SvgFlatOptions)"> |
198 | <summary>Gets a flat version of this SvgDocument.</summary> |
199 | <param name="options">The flat options to use. This can be **null**.</param> |
200 | <returns>The flat version of this document.</returns> |
201 | </member>
202 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.Dispose"> |
203 | <summary>Releases all resources used by this SvgDocument.</summary> |
204 | </member>
205 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.Dispose(System.Boolean)"> |
206 | <summary>Releases all resources used by this SvgDocument.</summary> |
207 | <param name="disposing"></param> |
208 | </member>
209 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.Finalize"> |
210 | <summary>This method overrides System.Object.Finalize</summary> |
211 | </member>
212 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.Bounds"> |
213 | <summary>Gets the physical (pixel) bounds and resolution of this SvgDocument.</summary> |
214 | <value>The physical (pixel) bounds and resolution of this SvgDocument.</value> |
215 | </member>
216 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.Handle"> |
217 | <summary>Returns the internal SVG document handle. Used internally by LEADTOOLS.</summary> |
218 | <value>The internal SVG document handle. Used internally by LEADTOOLS.</value> |
219 | </member>
220 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.IsFlat"> |
221 | <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether this SvgDocument is flat.</summary> |
222 | <value>**true** if this document is flat; otherwise, **false**.</value> |
223 | </member>
224 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.IsRenderOptimized"> |
225 | <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether this document has optimized rendering data.</summary> |
226 | <value>**true** if this document has optimized rendering data; otherwise, **false**.</value> |
227 | </member>
228 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument.Version"> |
229 | <summary>Gets or sets the SVG version of the document.</summary> |
230 | <value>The SVG version of the document</value> |
231 | </member>
232 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementInfo"> |
233 | <summary>Holds the information of an SVG element.</summary> |
234 | </member>
235 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementInfo.#ctor"> |
236 | <summary>Initializes a new instance of SvgElementInfo.</summary> |
237 | </member>
238 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementInfo.Bounds"> |
239 | <summary>Gets or sets the physical (pixels) bounding rectangle of the SVG element.</summary> |
240 | <value>The physical (pixels) bounding rectangle of the SVG element. The default value is an Leadtools.LeadRectD initialized to all 0's.</value> |
241 | </member>
242 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementInfo.ElementType"> |
243 | <summary>Gets or sets the SVG element type.</summary> |
244 | <value>The SVG element type. The default value is SvgElementType.Unknown.</value> |
245 | </member>
246 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementInfo.TextData"> |
247 | <summary>Gets or sets the text data if this is a text SVG element.</summary> |
248 | <value>The text data if this is a text SVG element or **null** otherwise. The default value is **null**.</value> |
249 | </member>
250 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgEnumerateOptions"> |
251 | <summary>Options to use when enumerating SVG elements (nodes).</summary> |
252 | </member>
253 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgEnumerateOptions.#ctor"> |
254 | <summary>Initializes a new instance of SvgEnumerateOptions with default options.</summary> |
255 | </member>
256 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgEnumerateOptions.EnumerateDirection"> |
257 | <summary>Specifies the direction the engine will use when enumerating the elements.</summary> |
258 | <value>The direction the engine will use when enumerating the elements. The default value is SvgEnumerateDirection.TopToBottom.</value> |
259 | </member>
260 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgFlatOptions"> |
261 | <summary>Options to use when flattening an SVG document.</summary> |
262 | </member>
263 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgFlatOptions.#ctor"> |
264 | <summary>Initializes a new instance of SvgFlatOptions.</summary> |
265 | </member>
266 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgFlatOptions.Size"> |
267 | <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates the physical size in pixels to use when flattening an SVG document.</summary> |
268 | <value>The physical size in pixels to use when flattening an SVG document. The default value is LeadSizeD.Empty.</value> |
269 | </member>
270 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgFlatOptions.TextOnly"> |
271 | <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to leave only the text elements after the document is flattened.</summary> |
272 | <value>**true** to leave only the text elements after the document is flattened; otherwise, **false**. The default value is **false**.</value> |
273 | </member>
274 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgLoadOptions"> |
275 | <summary>Options to use when loading SVG documents.</summary> |
276 | </member>
277 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgLoadOptions.#ctor"> |
278 | <summary>Initializes a new instance of SvgLoadOptions.</summary> |
279 | </member>
280 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgLoadOptions.LoadFlags"> |
281 | <summary>Gets or sets the options to use during loading of SVG documents.</summary> |
282 | <value>The options to use during loading of SVG documents. The default value is SvgLoadFlags.Default.</value> |
283 | </member>
284 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgLoadOptions.MaximumElements"> |
285 | <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates the maximum number of elements to load when loading an SVG.</summary> |
286 | <value>A value that indicates the maximum number of elements to load when loading an SVG. Must be a value greater than or equal to 0. Use 0 to load all elements.</value> |
287 | </member>
288 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgMergeOptions"> |
289 | <summary>Options to use with the SvgDocument.MergeWith method.</summary> |
290 | </member>
291 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgMergeOptions.#ctor"> |
292 | <summary>Initializes a new instance of SvgMergeOptions class.</summary> |
293 | </member>
294 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgMergeOptions.DestinationDropFlags"> |
295 | <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates which element types from the destination document to drop (ignore) when merging.</summary> |
296 | <value>A value that indicates which element types from the destination document to drop (ignore) when merging. The default value is SvgDropFlags.None, which means no elements are dropped.</value> |
297 | </member>
298 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgMergeOptions.SourceDropFlags"> |
299 | <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates which element types from the source document to drop (ignore) when merging.</summary> |
300 | <value>A value that indicates which element types from the source document to drop (ignore) when merging. The default value is SvgDropFlags.None, which means no elements are dropped.</value> |
301 | </member>
302 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgNodeHandle"> |
303 | <summary>Represents a node (element) in an SVG document.</summary> |
304 | </member>
305 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgNodeHandle.GetAttributeValue(System.String)"> |
306 | <summary>Gets the value of the specified attribute of an element as a raw string.</summary> |
307 | <param name="name">The attribute name.</param> |
308 | <returns>The value of the specified attribute. **null** if the element does not have an attribute with this name.</returns> |
309 | </member>
310 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgNodeHandle.GetElementName"> |
311 | <summary>Gets the name of the element.</summary> |
312 | <returns>The name of the element. This is the XML element name. For example, "svg" for the top level <svg> element in the document, "image" for an <image> element in the document, etc.</returns> |
313 | </member>
314 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgNodeHandle.GetElementValue"> |
315 | <summary>Gets the XML value as a raw string.</summary> |
316 | <returns>The XML value as a raw string.</returns> |
317 | </member>
318 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgNodeHandle.RemoveElementAttribute(System.String)"> |
319 | <summary>Removes the specified attribute from the XML element.</summary> |
320 | <param name="name">The attribute name to remove. Ignored if the element does not have an attribute with this name.</param> |
321 | </member>
322 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgNodeHandle.SetAttributeValue(System.String,System.String)"> |
323 | <summary>Sets the value of the specified attribute from a raw string.</summary> |
324 | <param name="name">The attribute name.</param> |
325 | <param name="value">The new value of the attribute. A new attribute will be created if the element does not have an attribute with this name.</param> |
326 | </member>
327 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgNodeHandle.SetElementValue(System.String)"> |
328 | <summary>Sets the XML value from a raw string.</summary> |
329 | <param name="value">The new value of the XML element as a raw string.</param> |
330 | </member>
331 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgNodeHandle.Bounds"> |
332 | <summary>The bounding rectangle of the element.</summary> |
333 | <value>The bounding rectangle of the element. This value is in SVG coordinates that matches SvgDocument.Bounds.</value> |
334 | </member>
335 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgNodeHandle.ElementType"> |
336 | <summary>The element type</summary> |
337 | <value>The element type. For example, ElementType.Svg for the top level \<svg\> element in the document or ElementType.Image for an <image> element in the document, etc.</value> |
338 | </member>
339 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgRenderOptions"> |
340 | <summary>Options for rendering an SVG document to a target device.</summary> |
341 | </member>
342 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgRenderOptions.#ctor"> |
343 | <summary>Initializes a new instance of SvgRenderOptions</summary> |
344 | </member>
345 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgRenderOptions.BackgroundColor"> |
346 | <summary>Gets or sets the color used to fill the background of the transformed destination rectangle.</summary> |
347 | <value>The color used to the fill the background of the transformed destination rectangle. The default value is "white".</value> |
348 | </member>
349 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgRenderOptions.Bounds"> |
350 | <summary>Gets or sets the destination rectangle, in pixel coordinates.</summary> |
351 | <value>The destination rectangle, in pixel coordinates.The default value is LeadRectD.Empty.</value> |
352 | </member>
353 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgRenderOptions.ClipBounds"> |
354 | <summary>Gets or sets the clipping rectangle, in pixel coordinates.</summary> |
355 | <value>The clipping rectangle, in pixel coordinates. The default value is LeadRectD.Empty.</value> |
356 | </member>
357 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgRenderOptions.RenderFlags"> |
358 | <summary>Extra render options.</summary> |
359 | <value>Extra SVG render options. Default value is SvgRenderFlags.None</value> |
360 | </member>
361 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgRenderOptions.Transform"> |
362 | <summary>Gets or sets the transformation to be applied when rendering the document.</summary> |
363 | <value>The transformation to be applied when rendering the document. The default value is LeadMatrix.Identity.</value> |
364 | </member>
365 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgRenderOptions.UseBackgroundColor"> |
366 | <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use the BackgroundColor color to fill the background of the transformed destination rectangle.</summary> |
367 | <value>**true** to use the BackgroundColor color to fill the background of the transformed destination rectangle; otherwise, **false**.</value> |
368 | </member>
369 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSaveOptions"> |
370 | <summary>SVG write options</summary> |
371 | </member>
372 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSaveOptions.#ctor"> |
373 | <summary>Initializes a new instance of SvgSaveOptions.</summary> |
374 | </member>
375 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSaveOptions.Encoding"> |
376 | <summary>Gets or sets the text encoding to use when saving the SVG document.</summary> |
377 | <value>The text encoding to use when saving the SVG document. The default value is SvgEncoding.UTF8.</value> |
378 | </member>
379 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSaveOptions.Format"> |
380 | <summary>Gets or sets the SVG format to use when saving the SVG document.</summary> |
381 | <value>The format to use when saving the SVG document. The default value is SvgFormat.Svg.</value> |
382 | </member>
383 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSaveOptions.Formatted"> |
384 | <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the final SVG document is formatted in a human-readable format.</summary> |
385 | <value>**true** the final SVG document is in a human-readable format; otherwise, **false**.</value> |
386 | </member>
387 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSaveOptions.Indent"> |
388 | <summary>Gets or sets the string to use for indentation when saving the SVG document.</summary> |
389 | <value>The string to use for indentation when saving the SVG document. The default value is two spaces " ".</value> |
390 | </member>
391 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSortOptions"> |
392 | <summary>Options to control how to sort the elements in this SVG document.</summary> |
393 | </member>
394 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSortOptions.#ctor"> |
395 | <summary>Initializes a new instance of SvgSortOptions</summary> |
396 | </member>
397 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSortOptions.ExtractText"> |
398 | <summary>Gets or sets the text extraction mode used.</summary> |
399 | <value>The text extraction mode used. The default value is SvgExtractText.Character.</value> |
400 | </member>
401 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSortOptions.SortFlags"> |
402 | <summary>Gets or sets the sorting flags used.</summary> |
403 | <value>The sorting flags used. The default value is SvgSortFlags.Default.</value> |
404 | </member>
405 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgTextData"> |
406 | <summary>Contains the data of a text element.</summary> |
407 | </member>
408 | <member name="M:Leadtools.Svg.SvgTextData.#ctor"> |
409 | <summary>Initializes a new instance of the SvgTextData.</summary> |
410 | </member>
411 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgTextData.Bounds"> |
412 | <summary>Gets or sets the bounding rectangles of each character in the text.</summary> |
413 | <value>The bounding rectangles of each character in the text. The default value is **null**.</value> |
414 | </member>
415 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgTextData.CharacterFlags"> |
416 | <summary>Gets or sets position flags for each character in the text.</summary> |
417 | <value>The position flags for each character in the text. The default value is **null**.</value> |
418 | </member>
419 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgTextData.Directions"> |
420 | <summary>Gets or sets the direction of each character in the text.</summary> |
421 | <value>The direction of each character in the text. The default value is **null**.</value> |
422 | </member>
423 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgTextData.Text"> |
424 | <summary>Gets or sets the text as a string.</summary> |
425 | <value>The text as a string. The default value is **null**.</value> |
426 | </member>
427 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgEnumerateElementsCallback(Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument,Leadtools.Svg.SvgNodeHandle,System.Object)"> |
428 | <summary>Callback to receive the SVG elements (nodes).</summary> |
429 | <param name="document">The source SvgDocument.</param> |
430 | <param name="node">Node handle.</param> |
431 | <param name="userData">Optional user data. This is the same parameter passed to EnumerateElements.</param> |
432 | <returns>For an example, refer to SvgDocument.EnumerateElements.</returns> |
433 | </member>
434 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgFilterElementsCallback(Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument,Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType,Object)"> |
435 | <summary>Callback to allow certain element types to be ignored when sorting.</summary> |
436 | <param name="document">The source SvgDocument.</param> |
437 | <param name="elementType">The current element type.</param> |
438 | <param name="userData">Optional user data passed to the callback.</param> |
439 | <returns>Target Platforms</returns> |
440 | </member>
441 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSortElementsCallback(Leadtools.Svg.SvgDocument,Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementInfo,System.Object)"> |
442 | <summary>Callback to receive the sorted SVG elements.</summary> |
443 | <param name="document">The source SvgDocument.</param> |
444 | <param name="info">Element information.</param> |
445 | <param name="userData">Optional user data. This is the same parameter passed to SortElements.</param> |
446 | <returns>For an example, refer to SvgDocument.SortElements.</returns> |
447 | </member>
448 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgCharacterDirection"> |
449 | <summary>Character direction</summary> |
450 | </member>
451 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgCharacterDirection.LeftToRight"> |
452 | <summary></summary> |
453 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
454 | </member>
455 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgCharacterDirection.RightToLeft"> |
456 | <summary></summary> |
457 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
458 | </member>
459 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDropFlags"> |
460 | <summary>Options to use when merging SVG documents</summary> |
461 | </member>
462 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDropFlags.None"> |
463 | <summary></summary> |
464 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
465 | </member>
466 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDropFlags.Shapes"> |
467 | <summary></summary> |
468 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
469 | </member>
470 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDropFlags.Images"> |
471 | <summary></summary> |
472 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
473 | </member>
474 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgDropFlags.Text"> |
475 | <summary></summary> |
476 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
477 | </member>
478 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType"> |
479 | <summary>SVG element types</summary> |
480 | </member>
481 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Unknown"> |
482 | <summary></summary> |
483 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
484 | </member>
485 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Doc"> |
486 | <summary></summary> |
487 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
488 | </member>
489 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Svg"> |
490 | <summary></summary> |
491 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
492 | </member>
493 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.G"> |
494 | <summary></summary> |
495 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
496 | </member>
497 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Defs"> |
498 | <summary></summary> |
499 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
500 | </member>
501 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Desc"> |
502 | <summary></summary> |
503 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
504 | </member>
505 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Title"> |
506 | <summary></summary> |
507 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
508 | </member>
509 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Symbol"> |
510 | <summary></summary> |
511 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
512 | </member>
513 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Use"> |
514 | <summary></summary> |
515 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
516 | </member>
517 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Image"> |
518 | <summary></summary> |
519 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
520 | </member>
521 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Switch"> |
522 | <summary></summary> |
523 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
524 | </member>
525 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Style"> |
526 | <summary></summary> |
527 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
528 | </member>
529 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Path"> |
530 | <summary></summary> |
531 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
532 | </member>
533 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Rect"> |
534 | <summary></summary> |
535 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
536 | </member>
537 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Circle"> |
538 | <summary></summary> |
539 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
540 | </member>
541 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Ellipse"> |
542 | <summary></summary> |
543 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
544 | </member>
545 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Line"> |
546 | <summary></summary> |
547 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
548 | </member>
549 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Polyline"> |
550 | <summary></summary> |
551 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
552 | </member>
553 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Polygon"> |
554 | <summary></summary> |
555 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
556 | </member>
557 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Text"> |
558 | <summary></summary> |
559 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
560 | </member>
561 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.TSpan"> |
562 | <summary></summary> |
563 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
564 | </member>
565 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.TRef"> |
566 | <summary></summary> |
567 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
568 | </member>
569 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.TextPath"> |
570 | <summary></summary> |
571 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
572 | </member>
573 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.AltGlyph"> |
574 | <summary></summary> |
575 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
576 | </member>
577 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.AltGlyphDef"> |
578 | <summary></summary> |
579 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
580 | </member>
581 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.AltGlyphItem"> |
582 | <summary></summary> |
583 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
584 | </member>
585 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.GlyphRef"> |
586 | <summary></summary> |
587 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
588 | </member>
589 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Marker"> |
590 | <summary></summary> |
591 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
592 | </member>
593 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.ColorProfile"> |
594 | <summary></summary> |
595 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
596 | </member>
597 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.LinearGradient"> |
598 | <summary></summary> |
599 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
600 | </member>
601 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.RadialGradient"> |
602 | <summary></summary> |
603 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
604 | </member>
605 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Stop"> |
606 | <summary></summary> |
607 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
608 | </member>
609 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Pattern"> |
610 | <summary></summary> |
611 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
612 | </member>
613 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.ClipPath"> |
614 | <summary></summary> |
615 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
616 | </member>
617 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Font"> |
618 | <summary></summary> |
619 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
620 | </member>
621 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Glyph"> |
622 | <summary></summary> |
623 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
624 | </member>
625 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.MissingGlyph"> |
626 | <summary></summary> |
627 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
628 | </member>
629 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.HKern"> |
630 | <summary></summary> |
631 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
632 | </member>
633 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.VKern"> |
634 | <summary></summary> |
635 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
636 | </member>
637 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.FontFace"> |
638 | <summary></summary> |
639 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
640 | </member>
641 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.FontFaceSrc"> |
642 | <summary></summary> |
643 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
644 | </member>
645 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.FontFaceUri"> |
646 | <summary></summary> |
647 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
648 | </member>
649 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.FontFaceFormat"> |
650 | <summary></summary> |
651 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
652 | </member>
653 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.FontFaceName"> |
654 | <summary></summary> |
655 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
656 | </member>
657 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.DefinitionSrc"> |
658 | <summary></summary> |
659 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
660 | </member>
661 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgElementType.Anchor"> |
662 | <summary></summary> |
663 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
664 | </member>
665 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgEncoding"> |
666 | <summary>Encoding to use when saving SVG documents</summary> |
667 | </member>
668 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgEncoding.UTF8"> |
669 | <summary></summary> |
670 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
671 | </member>
672 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgEncoding.UTF16"> |
673 | <summary></summary> |
674 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
675 | </member>
676 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgEnumerateDirection"> |
677 | <summary>The direction to use when enumerating SVG elements (nodes).</summary> |
678 | </member>
679 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgEnumerateDirection.Top"> |
680 | <summary></summary> |
681 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
682 | </member>
683 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgEnumerateDirection.TopToBottom"> |
684 | <summary></summary> |
685 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
686 | </member>
687 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgEnumerateDirection.BottomToTop"> |
688 | <summary></summary> |
689 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
690 | </member>
691 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgExtractText"> |
692 | <summary>Text extraction mode</summary> |
693 | </member>
694 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgExtractText.Character"> |
695 | <summary></summary> |
696 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
697 | </member>
698 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgExtractText.Word"> |
699 | <summary></summary> |
700 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
701 | </member>
702 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgExtractText.Line"> |
703 | <summary></summary> |
704 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
705 | </member>
706 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgFormat"> |
707 | <summary>The SVG format.</summary> |
708 | </member>
709 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgFormat.Svg"> |
710 | <summary></summary> |
711 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
712 | </member>
713 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgFormat.Svgz"> |
714 | <summary></summary> |
715 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
716 | </member>
717 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgLoadFlags"> |
718 | <summary>Options to use when loading SVG documents.</summary> |
719 | </member>
720 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgLoadFlags.Default"> |
721 | <summary></summary> |
722 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
723 | </member>
724 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgLoadFlags.DropShapes"> |
725 | <summary></summary> |
726 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
727 | </member>
728 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgLoadFlags.DropImages"> |
729 | <summary></summary> |
730 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
731 | </member>
732 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgLoadFlags.DropText"> |
733 | <summary></summary> |
734 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
735 | </member>
736 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgLoadFlags.IgnoreXmlParsingErrors"> |
737 | <summary></summary> |
738 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
739 | </member>
740 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgRenderFlags"> |
741 | <summary>Extra render options.</summary> |
742 | </member>
743 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgRenderFlags.EnhanceThinLines"> |
744 | <summary>Enhances the strokes thickness if the transformation causes lines to have size less than 1 pixel.</summary> |
745 | </member>
746 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgRenderFlags.Default"> |
747 | <summary>Default rendering.</summary> |
748 | </member>
749 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSortFlags"> |
750 | <summary>Sorting flags used when enumerating the elements of an SVG</summary> |
751 | </member>
752 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSortFlags.Default"> |
753 | <summary></summary> |
754 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
755 | </member>
756 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSortFlags.LeftToRight"> |
757 | <summary></summary> |
758 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
759 | </member>
760 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSortFlags.TopToBottom"> |
761 | <summary></summary> |
762 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
763 | </member>
764 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSortFlags.RightToLeft"> |
765 | <summary></summary> |
766 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
767 | </member>
768 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgSortFlags.BottomToTop"> |
769 | <summary></summary> |
770 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
771 | </member>
772 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgTextCharacterFlags"> |
773 | <summary>Text character position flags</summary> |
774 | </member>
775 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgTextCharacterFlags.None"> |
776 | <summary></summary> |
777 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
778 | </member>
779 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgTextCharacterFlags.EndOfWord"> |
780 | <summary></summary> |
781 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
782 | </member>
783 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgTextCharacterFlags.EndOfLine"> |
784 | <summary></summary> |
785 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
786 | </member>
787 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgVersion"> |
788 | <summary>SVG document version</summary> |
789 | </member>
790 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgVersion.Unspecified"> |
791 | <summary></summary> |
792 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
793 | </member>
794 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgVersion.v10"> |
795 | <summary></summary> |
796 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
797 | </member>
798 | <member name="F:Leadtools.Svg.SvgVersion.v11"> |
799 | <summary></summary> |
800 | <platforms>NET, Java, Android, iOS</platforms> |
801 | </member>
802 | <member name="T:Leadtools.Svg.SvgBounds"> |
803 | <summary>Represents the calculated bounds of an SVG document.</summary> |
804 | </member>
805 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgBounds.Bounds"> |
806 | <summary>Gets or sets the physical bounds, in pixels, of this SVG document.</summary> |
807 | <value>The physical bounds, in pixels, of this SVG document.</value> |
808 | </member>
809 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgBounds.IsTrimmed"> |
810 | <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the bounds were calculated by cropping the child elements themselves and ignoring the SVG document size.</summary> |
811 | <value>**true** if Bounds was calculated by cropping the child elements themselves and ignoring the SVG document size; otherwise, **false**.</value> |
812 | </member>
813 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgBounds.IsValid"> |
814 | <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the SVG document contains valid calculated bounds.</summary> |
815 | <value>**true** if the SVG document contains valid calculated bounds; otherwise, **false**.</value> |
816 | </member>
817 | <member name="P:Leadtools.Svg.SvgBounds.Resolution"> |
818 | <summary>Gets or sets the resolution (Dots per inch) of the SVG document.</summary> |
819 | <value>The resolution (Dots per inch) of the SVG document.</value> |
820 | </member>
821 | </members>
822 | </doc> |