markus / MARKUS.wxs @ bede677a
이력 | 보기 | 이력해설 | 다운로드 (21.2 KB)
1 | 401c6836 | djkim | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 | <?define NetFx461MinRelease = 394254 ?> |
3 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Wix xmlns="" xmlns:util="" xmlns:netfx="" xmlns:bal=""> |
4 | aee24ab1 | humkyung | <Product Id="*" Name="MARKUS" Language="1033" Version="$VERSION" Manufacturer="DOFTECH(C)" UpgradeCode="83FC35CA-6B7D-40C3-9D5F-E8F76097B25C"> |
5 | 933dc7f9 | humkyung | <Package Platform="x64" InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" InstallScope="perMachine" /> |
6 | |||
7 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | <MajorUpgrade Schedule="afterInstallInitialize" DowngradeErrorMessage="A newer version of [ProductName] is already installed. Setup will now exit." AllowSameVersionUpgrades="yes" /> |
8 | <MediaTemplate EmbedCab="yes" /> |
9 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | |
10 | 933dc7f9 | humkyung | <WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="license.rtf" /> |
11 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <WixVariable Id="WixUIBannerBmp" Value="DOFTECH_LOGO.bmp" /> |
12 | |||
13 | 933dc7f9 | humkyung | <Feature Id="ProductFeature" Title="MARKUS" Level="1"> |
14 | <ComponentGroupRef Id="MARKUS" /> |
15 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | </Feature> |
16 | </Product> |
17 | 933dc7f9 | humkyung | <Fragment> |
18 | <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir"> |
19 | <Directory Id="DesktopFolder" Name="Desktop"> |
20 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | <Component Id="DesktopShortcut" Guid="DF06024A-95FE-43E2-BDF2-7C686EAF391F" Feature="ProductFeature" Win64="yes"> |
21 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="Software\DOFTECH\MARKUS" Name="installed" Type="integer" Value="1" KeyPath="yes" /> |
22 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | <RemoveFolder Id="DesktopFolder" On="uninstall" /> |
23 | 933dc7f9 | humkyung | </Component> |
24 | </Directory> |
25 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | |
26 | 933dc7f9 | humkyung | <Directory Id="ProgramFiles64Folder"> |
27 | <Directory Id="COMPANYFOLDER" Name="DOFTECH"> |
28 | <Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="MARKUS" /> |
29 | </Directory> |
30 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | </Directory> |
31 | </Directory> |
32 | 933dc7f9 | humkyung | <Property Id="WIXUI_INSTALLDIR" Value="INSTALLFOLDER" /> |
33 | 401c6836 | djkim | <UI> |
34 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <UIRef Id="WixUI_InstallDir" /> |
35 | <Publish Dialog="WelcomeDlg" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog" Value="InstallDirDlg" Order="2">1</Publish> |
36 | <Publish Dialog="InstallDirDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog" Value="WelcomeDlg" Order="2">1</Publish> |
37 | <Publish Dialog="ExitDialog" Control="Finish" Event="DoAction" Value="SetupFX"> |
39 | </Publish> |
40 | </UI> |
42 | <Property Id="WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALCHECKBOXTEXT" Value="Install .Net Framework 4.6.1" /> |
43 | 85d04550 | taeseongkim | <Property Id="WixShellExecTarget" Value="[#NDP461-KB3102438-Web.exe]" /> |
44 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Property Id="NETFRAMEWORK40"> |
45 | <RegistrySearch Id="NetFramework40" Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full" Name="Release" Type="raw" /> |
46 | </Property> |
47 | <Property Id="WIX_IS_NETFRAMEWORK_461_OR_LATER_INSTALLED" Secure="yes" /> |
48 | 401c6836 | djkim | <SetProperty Id="WIX_IS_NETFRAMEWORK_461_OR_LATER_INSTALLED" Value="1" After="AppSearch"> |
49 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | NETFRAMEWORK40 >= "#$(var.NetFx461MinRelease)" |
50 | 401c6836 | djkim | </SetProperty> |
51 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <CustomAction Id="SetupFX" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixShellExec" Impersonate="yes" /> |
52 | 933dc7f9 | humkyung | </Fragment> |
53 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | |
54 | 933dc7f9 | humkyung | <Fragment> |
55 | e4596092 | humkyung | <DirectoryRef Id="TARGETDIR"> |
56 | <Component Id="cmp67889FD2219FCD1ECDA0BD9FE906CD7A" Guid="57D045D4-AFC0-4874-8BA9-A1E8B9C348F9" KeyPath="yes"> |
57 | <RegistryKey ForceCreateOnInstall="yes" Key="KCOM\shell\open" Root="HKCR" /> |
58 | </Component> |
59 | </DirectoryRef> |
60 | </Fragment> |
61 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | |
62 | e4596092 | humkyung | <Fragment> |
63 | <DirectoryRef Id="TARGETDIR"> |
64 | <Component Id="cmpB2A195FD7387054E641ABB044E70AD31" Guid="CA81C92A-E2BA-4E01-B4A0-6B5E5E5A6C63" KeyPath="yes"> |
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66 | <RegistryValue Value=""C:\Program Files\DOFTECH\MARKUS\KCOM.exe" "%1"" Type="string" /> |
67 | </RegistryKey> |
68 | </Component> |
69 | </DirectoryRef> |
70 | </Fragment> |
71 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | |
72 | e4596092 | humkyung | <Fragment> |
73 | <DirectoryRef Id="TARGETDIR"> |
74 | <Component Id="cmpCA3EA94464F79A1D590AD23EE3921964" Guid="171260E2-66FC-4088-9F1F-3FAEB29250CA" KeyPath="yes"> |
75 | <RegistryKey ForceCreateOnInstall="yes" Key="KCOM\shell" Root="HKCR" /> |
76 | </Component> |
77 | </DirectoryRef> |
78 | </Fragment> |
79 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | |
80 | e4596092 | humkyung | <Fragment> |
81 | <DirectoryRef Id="TARGETDIR"> |
82 | <Component Id="cmpEB1634EB055BA192F2B44B8310392EAD" Guid="D8795ADA-D3EC-4F34-86C3-7D6BE54420EA" KeyPath="yes"> |
83 | <RegistryKey Key="KCOM" Root="HKCR"> |
84 | <RegistryValue Name="URL Protocol" Value="" Type="expandable" /> |
85 | </RegistryKey> |
86 | </Component> |
87 | </DirectoryRef> |
88 | </Fragment> |
89 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | |
90 | e4596092 | humkyung | <Fragment> |
91 | 933dc7f9 | humkyung | <ComponentGroup Id="ProductComponents" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER"> |
92 | <!-- TODO: Remove the comments around this Component element and the ComponentRef below in order to add resources to this installer. --> |
93 | <!-- <Component Id="ProductComponent"> --> |
94 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <!-- TODO: Insert files, registry keys, and other resources here. --> |
95 | 933dc7f9 | humkyung | <!-- </Component> --> |
96 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | </ComponentGroup> |
97 | </Fragment> |
98 | |||
99 | <Fragment> |
100 | <DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLFOLDER"> |
101 | <Directory Id="dir242DC17B8DFC53C13CAF172FC08B730A" Name="de" /> |
102 | <Directory Id="dir9AE38F4F5CB5E565E774521E138F44FD" Name="es" /> |
103 | <Directory Id="dirB55DFDA91FEE7CCCBC65CA7493B75748" Name="fr" /> |
104 | <Directory Id="dir45DE18DD71F3E8DD6BE4A0E2B48778C8" Name="it" /> |
105 | <Directory Id="dirF152986C1E6339E5EF84FD1370841521" Name="ko" /> |
106 | <Directory Id="dir2F3D431E0ED26930C4D37E679C7700A1" Name="nl" /> |
107 | <Directory Id="dir06249C254B8FEA6A37A7C6E4984EF433" Name="tessdata" /> |
108 | <Directory Id="dirE562A4656FE03253EA39D17E8127BA05" Name="tr" /> |
109 | <Directory Id="dirD38EDF1F361B4F099EBE0B9D8968D256" Name="x86" /> |
110 | <Directory Id="dirCFEC9E4F88644EEEA2E2C3669DAF0201" Name="x64" /> |
111 | <Directory Id="CommonAppDataFolder"> |
112 | <Directory Id="MyAppDataFolder" Name="MARKUS"> |
113 | <Component Id="CreateMyAppDataFolder" Guid="697A5A1C-88DB-4D1B-8C7A-614B8A20CD44" Win64="yes"> |
114 | <CreateFolder /> |
115 | </Component> |
116 | </Directory> |
117 | </Directory> |
118 | </DirectoryRef> |
119 | </Fragment> |
120 | <Fragment> |
121 | <ComponentGroup Id="MARKUS"> |
122 | <ComponentRef Id="CreateMyAppDataFolder" /> |
123 | <ComponentRef Id="cmp67889FD2219FCD1ECDA0BD9FE906CD7A" /> |
124 | <ComponentRef Id="cmpB2A195FD7387054E641ABB044E70AD31" /> |
125 | <ComponentRef Id="cmpCA3EA94464F79A1D590AD23EE3921964" /> |
126 | <ComponentRef Id="cmpEB1634EB055BA192F2B44B8310392EAD" /> |
127 | <Component Id="cmpCC866C67D0ACDB0EBE26789908374F45" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="F6CF8A7C-00AA-4B45-ADD4-F3DA249D8E64" Win64="yes"> |
128 | <File Id="fil4A00EA3A4A830EE9C257BEC8A7AA9E1A" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\Bytescout.PDFExtractor.dll" /> |
129 | </Component> |
130 | <Component Id="cmp25D995530710C8C386E94FD45CF48079" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="F42D5123-8467-49D5-9B23-B6E2F94A1DB2" Win64="yes"> |
131 | <File Id="fil8FE9B2B8DE4E517EC09CDEB3CD125199" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\Bytescout.PDFExtractor.OCRExtension.dll" /> |
132 | </Component> |
133 | <Component Id="cmp0BFABD100B4065787B40AA6B05938DF7" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="47BCF3AA-F366-4D2F-AC85-4F08EF19297A" Win64="yes"> |
134 | <File Id="fil1D38723F4A034EDE78B6A3B94EFB99F2" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\EntityFramework.dll" /> |
135 | </Component> |
136 | <Component Id="cmp6CF5CB56E3583D0EBD44D2BB10A62A27" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="E0007A37-1DBD-49F4-B24B-D758C1209839" Win64="yes"> |
137 | <File Id="filD3369B082D009ADB833B8DD9F589E45E" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\EntityFramework.xml" /> |
138 | </Component> |
139 | <Component Id="cmpA415203DE9EF9D193E74C69FE81234D3" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="D988FC9F-EEBB-4DA9-BDA2-46B926576509" Win64="yes"> |
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141 | </Component> |
142 | <Component Id="cmp1DE0B23F7942D4E47B62522F774F3C76" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="A6489D0B-4E42-4F64-B34E-410A0A6A4DCC" Win64="yes"> |
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144 | </Component> |
145 | <Component Id="cmp93004A2A70CA6CC5550444DB6A0BB24B" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="C100266E-38BC-48D0-A690-F4C02D0E35C5" Win64="yes"> |
146 | <File Id="fil718E22AC4914F03FC39F7293CDC8C672" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\itextsharp.xml" /> |
147 | </Component> |
148 | <Component Id="cmp9DBCA795D932AB083234E0DAEF7CCCC5" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="204BC3E0-DAC5-4467-B490-47964D9A7A25" Win64="yes"> |
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150 | </Component> |
151 | <Component Id="cmp8234C30B57CA4022B9BA108719FDF848" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="3E2E60BB-3122-40F5-9A76-BDCF3F88D522" Win64="yes"> |
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153 | </Component> |
154 | <Component Id="cmp008EC7C4B15BA79DEC806A9852526EF9" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="B4829BEF-7376-4039-8E1D-8A46D257F4AF" Win64="yes"> |
155 | <File Id="filD7A7D725F3C20E26B1A149EAABD9323C" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\KCOM.exe.config" /> |
156 | </Component> |
157 | <Component Id="cmp7752819596C3476DB4E5F7A60F8FE644" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="04E50F42-40E2-4DAE-A14E-6C966A6D1813" Win64="yes"> |
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159 | </Component> |
160 | <Component Id="cmp969D915ED42B411BA95424C403A6A841" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="7EA8712F-DF55-4892-BFDF-AEAE4BB24E25" Win64="yes"> |
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162 | </Component> |
163 | <Component Id="cmpD3A6FA6C7B0D4A7F8464F61659F02115" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="123D40A1-7FF9-4CFB-9837-E1A00E2A7A70" Win64="yes"> |
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165 | </Component> |
166 | <Component Id="cmp40B0E7C91C025AEEEF1F0DEC51A66549" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="69d5a0ff-23db-4044-b874-1f8078446e24" Win64="yes"> |
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168 | </Component> |
169 | <Component Id="cmp40B0E7C91C025AAEEF1F0DEC51A66549" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="471A4642-5A10-49EB-A77A-CF5C821BA1F1" Win64="yes"> |
170 | <File Id="filF60CE67197837613CD57BE23CB07368E" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\KCOMDataModel.dll" /> |
171 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | </Component> |
172 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Component Id="cmpEE8E531D52E746388211D454A7B652CD" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="BF70CAD3-28DF-44F2-95DC-F9ECDFA33BC9" Win64="yes"> |
173 | <File Id="filF33A63AB801D7E78849A4330E53EBD7B" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\KCOMDataModel.dll.config" /> |
174 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | </Component> |
175 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Component Id="cmpFE0047A5420B60BC9070B49ED04A3DF7" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="92A19E1A-AD00-40EE-9194-1140097E3D0D" Win64="yes"> |
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177 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | </Component> |
178 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Component Id="cmpBF387E9588F2B8473B629AAB925D2239" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="D65A7FBC-F1DE-4031-97A3-B99E215B3C70" Win64="yes"> |
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180 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | </Component> |
181 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Component Id="cmp2B9822AB4FE29C97D7C74389B67E3A7B" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="EA07BB02-ED13-4A69-93E0-B4CE0833B27D" Win64="yes"> |
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183 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | </Component> |
184 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Component Id="cmp601B3BD81B5071744666A47E821CCDD1" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="3FD119D8-FE0C-4C65-824E-107E25AF8B00" Win64="yes"> |
185 | <File Id="fil4F8D22903F1C540154297E75E8066C41" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.xml" /> |
186 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | </Component> |
187 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Component Id="cmp227B2F253D6CB8A27087F47F70A62459" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="D6BC83C1-C841-4BF6-89FF-5677B1AE8B09" Win64="yes"> |
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189 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | </Component> |
190 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Component Id="cmpC2107C307F76E546D2A4A5EAD4DA36D7" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="D6643927-25B3-4ED4-B890-84CE3D9EDB07" Win64="yes"> |
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192 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | </Component> |
193 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Component Id="cmpBC4FC00A26E7D32479D42D3411317FC5" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="66675814-6C27-4B75-837F-12218179C428" Win64="yes"> |
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216 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | </Component> |
217 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Component Id="cmp92AE6AD1C56764FC0C2F256343677A9F" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="C727A92F-1EB1-4975-9546-19EEB5B859DC" Win64="yes"> |
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219 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | </Component> |
220 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Component Id="cmpCD235197A0E4A6BCD3DEB46A5728EB4F" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="2374F5C7-960C-427B-A0F1-800E4B830DBB" Win64="yes"> |
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222 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | </Component> |
223 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Component Id="cmp7F07F6231918203727082BB6A28CC75F" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="22FE42A1-8651-460D-B867-67E1CC2FC670" Win64="yes"> |
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225 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | </Component> |
226 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Component Id="cmpFF91FE36548D6FA9C8D0DC80206BE1EF" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="C478F137-DD9A-4628-A07B-8CAFF92BA681" Win64="yes"> |
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228 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | </Component> |
229 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Component Id="cmp0514F1BB70C8ECCFF44A0A355A53441B" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="F82992EC-E1EA-4C1A-92D7-388D207D0EFB" Win64="yes"> |
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231 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | </Component> |
232 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Component Id="cmp2B79D8B21752ECF6DF82930454768404" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="4DB19C60-1622-41C3-B973-AB1D58693C41" Win64="yes"> |
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234 | 80283d8f | taeseongkim | </Component> |
235 | 47759f8d | taeseongkim | <Component Id="cmp8FBF2BDB3D3B55D95D738AE16D776E91" Directory="dir242DC17B8DFC53C13CAF172FC08B730A" Guid="067FD2A4-9164-4898-949A-7EF1F27BD840" Win64="yes"> |
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